The Most Powerful Word (Audio)




Of all the words that might be spoken
There is one which cleaves and leaves spells broken

Not uttered in the halls of learning
It is primal and makes way for our own heart’s yearning

Programs, patterns their code it breaks
Captivity of illusion shattered in its wake

They, the Outside, have intentions, designs
Would hold souls to contracts they have not signed

Turning the inside out and outside in
Hall of mirrors, Good becomes Bad, Righteousness Sin

Volition engaged, seeking Real in wrong direction
Abandoning Soul in search of wraith-like affection

Here then gone like water through hand
Vanity’s fire, illusions have fanned

Void deepening with each misguided stride
New distractions out There make the aching subside

Soul will whisper rebellion, then volume increases
Irritation, frustration, then anger releases

Tearing asunder, refusing, stopping the flow
All is in jeopardy when She speaks the word No

Foundations are shaken, presumptions now vanish
Mirrors now broken Their power now banished

But the No brings the Death and its throes bring the horror
Grief and fear and pain are all, to say No invites sorrow

The life un-lived wails and moans and needs
Uncovered at last, path now through the desert it leads

The false though is not so easily surrendered
Shame clings to illusion, suffering is rendered

Tears are the moisture in that dry arid place
Naked, alone, but surrounded by grace

Solitude’s bitter instruction reluctantly accepted
Not from ego but need once the false is rejected

And the call is reversed now from Outside to In
Seeking the source, the place to begin

Retraining eyes to see and ears to listen in that space
Senses untried strain to see one’s own face

Only then is Yes needed, only there can Yes be
For my yes has no meaning unless I begin to know me

Yes brings the life, and the way I should go
But remains a trap until, I have learned the word No

“Let your yes be (mean) yes and your no be (mean) no.”

All else is manipulation or being manipulated



Scream is a Noise and Not Music

Voices in my ear


Repeating, bleating out messages received, downloaded

Good drones, sheep following the lead

Asleep, dreaming wakefulness

Opinions prescribed

To counter, as though true encounter

With its opposite

Red – Blue

Ass – Pachyderm

Perp – Victim

Dominator – Submissive

Heaven – Hell

Black – White

Male – Female

Terror – Protection

Right – Wrong

Same old round and round

Dialectical distraction

Soul’s quest forsaken

Or not undertaken

Yet heart yearns

Soul knows

Courage great heart

Turn away from the illusion

Face the darkness

And find the light

There is a reason the apple has been bitten

Tenderness and the Real (Audio)



Tenderness hidden.

Concealed behind the humor, the talent, the success.

Those who know sometimes betray.

Sometimes ignorantly.

Sometimes with a will.

Tenderness hidden.

The betrayal steals life.

But it can also give it.

Illusions shattered.

Only the Real will survive.

Tenderness hidden.

Now uncovered.  Raw, burning, new-born.

Atmosphere sears new lungs.

Life demands pain.

The struggle provides the strength to stand.

The struggle transforms tenderness into wisdom.

AMEN – This is the way of life.

The Second Half (Audio)




I have skills

I have intelligence

I have proven courage

I am creative and imaginative

I have an easy way with people

I am moderately attractive

I am strong in action

I have access to resources

I am healthy

I have led

I have followed

I am experienced

Yet I sit

I am not lazy

I am accustomed to work

But now even marking white screen with black symbols is an effort

To what end

An act of faith, or a shot in the dark

I have

I have

I am

I am

Yet it all seems a mask, paper mache

Wire, paper, glue and hollow inside

Or perhaps a game played but no longer interesting

I seek a calling

A reason

A vision to manifest

A vocation to which I will submit the second half

A new reality on which to focus what I have and who I am

That I may be remade, renewed, restored, and redeemed

I want to be alive before I die

In submission to the true calling of my Soul

I will find my freedom

Awake (Audio)


(Done like an old protest song i.e. Marvin Gaye or early Isley Bro. – Reggae?)

The great Uncle is not your friend.
He would be your master.
And talking heads just keep on talking.
Don’t confuse them with your pastor.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Your creed is not the journey.
Though It might lead to journeys end.
Seek the answer to the riddle.
From walking Death to waking Life transcend.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Hold lightly to your strength.
And all you think you know.
For the Light shines in the darkness.
And it is in weakness that Grace will grow.

Caesar has no love for you, you’re a number on a page.
Doctrine is a guide, but its just trappings on the stage.
Life is calling you to wake up (now). Shake off the webs they weave.
Step into Reality, become more than you (can) conceive.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.