Wake up Sleepyhead



Ease is the natural state, harmony the true habitation

There is a reason for the dis-ease

It signals, it beckons, it prods

Dis-comfort is god’s grace

Dis-satisfaction does not allow one to rest in the wasteland

Like a splinter in the mind, itch needing scratched

It plays on the fringes of consciousness

Where the frayed sparking edges of the matrix can be perceived

Signposts pointing beyond the current constructs

Go toward that which terrifies

The soft places where there is no defense

Raw, exposed, vulnerable

That is the space of transformation

Surrender control and just be

It hurts, it frightens but it won’t eat you

Silly boy, you are made of stronger stuff than that

Let the false, frightening, fiction, fade

Hold the ground along the narrow middle way

Waves will wash over threatening your balance there

Be still and let them pass

Suspend belief so that you might know

Once you know, belief is no longer needed

Now no more bouncing from side to side like a pinball in a game

Seeking solace, addicted to flesh’s temporary fix

A junkie hooked on the drugs of thinking, fixing, doing

Yes – no, good – bad, right – wrong, same old round and round

Answers, solutions are not in a game designed by others

One that is cast like a net upon the sleeping masses

The way leads out of the trap and into the paradox

The lesson requires unlearning, dying so that life may emerge

What Is calls and heralds a new morning

Wake up sleepyhead, time for dreaming is done

The Intention of the I AM


He ain’t scared! 🙂

I want to write something just because I can
I feel cocky and the wilder parts of me have been stirred up
I don’t wait for permission
Or some other’s indulgence
I am
I write for me because I wish it, cause I’m alive
I beat my chest and growl, I roar
I am present on the savannah
Hear me, feel me, wonder what I will do
I am
I feel my heart’s beating, my blood rushing
I fill my lungs with the fragrant life surrounding me
Feet solid, gaze unblinking, alert, unafraid
I walk as one with authority, the earth trembles beneath my steps
I am

And so are You

Roar for the joy of it

Run, jump, laugh, do your dance in spite of circumstance

All that is wrong is the belief that something is wrong . . . with you

Be Groovy! 🙂

One of my favorite hymns


May you experience the Creator’s grace and the resurrection of the Truth in you.  May you and I continue to awaken and live into that truth.  May we remember the “least of these” in us and in the world.  Blessings!

In that context i resubmit this.  May we all seek the Incarnation.


(Done like an old protest song i.e. Marvin Gaye or early Isley Bro. – Reggae?)

The great Uncle is not your friend.
He would be your master.
And talking heads just keep on talking.
Don’t confuse them with your pastor.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Your creed is not the journey.
Though It might lead to journeys end.
Seek the answer to the riddle.
From walking Death to waking Life transcend.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Hold lightly to your strength.
And all you think you know.
For the Light shines in the darkness.
And it is in weakness that Grace will grow.

Caesar has no love for you, you’re a number on a page.
Doctrine is a guide, but its just trappings on the stage.
Life is calling you to wake up (now). Shake off the webs they weave.
Step into Reality, become more than you (can) conceive.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.



Arthur and Oz (Audio)


“Run away,” they cried.  Coconut shells beating out the rhythm.

On a quest, foolish tasks, tests with no purpose

Stupid King with no kingdom, only coconuts

Grail vision at least lead them toward their fear

White bunny, Holy hand grenades, battle won

Movie within a movie

Fear is like that

It is not the enemy, it is a guidepost pointing toward what is illusion


Left home in a storm, betrayed left unprotected, vulnerable

Toto barks at opportunity for change

Advice from Munchkins followed, seeking Wizard, the honest liar

Can’t think, can’t feel, no courage, yet moves toward source of dread

Fix me, broomstick in hand, unaware of victory, angry

Fear is like that

Dream within a dream

Red shoes already on her feet, she just needs to want to go home


The white bunny always points the way out of the show

The way out of Oz is always through the Witch’s castle