

Scream is a Noise and Not Music

Voices in my ear


Repeating, bleating out messages received, downloaded

Good drones, sheep following the lead

Asleep, dreaming wakefulness

Opinions prescribed

To counter, as though true encounter

With its opposite

Red – Blue

Ass – Pachyderm

Perp – Victim

Dominator – Submissive

Heaven – Hell

Black – White

Male – Female

Terror – Protection

Right – Wrong

Same old round and round

Dialectical distraction

Soul’s quest forsaken

Or not undertaken

Yet heart yearns

Soul knows

Courage great heart

Turn away from the illusion

Face the darkness

And find the light

There is a reason the apple has been bitten

18 thoughts on “Noise

  1. “Soul’s quest forsaken”- I think I may have forsaken myself, my whole life. sighs,..the journey is so hard, tough, just to find…..paradise that may turn into hell….

  2. drkottaway

    Lovely! I agree on that apple thing… and I like it that it was Eve who had the courage to say, ok, I am breaking the rules and I want knowledge…..Adam kinda went along with it. Was that the first peer pressure? Heh.

    • Yes. His backbone kinda sliped out of his bottom. “Flesh of my flesh. Bone of my bone.” She completed him and he would not give that up. Its the power of women over men at times. I think women are generally more courageous. Except with spiders. 🙂 The bite brought the dualism and knowing good and evil. That may have been a fall up. But when we get trapped there we are easily manipulated as a culture. I personally think the powers that be use this anciet knowledge to intentionally distract and confuse the masses for their own benefit and toward their own ends.

  3. And I agree with Fimnora. Your voice is very mesmerizing and dramatic. That’s why they used to record people reading poetry. We’ve forgotten how fine it really is just to listen. It gives a totally different depth to your poems.

  4. Hah! I found them all. (Pointy ears all excited.) Made you write something, she did. It was very electronic feeling. Especially coupled with the picture. Is that what happened with you? Did you get dialectically distracted? Pen and paper or computer?

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