Jealousy, envy, and “It just sucks”


I was thinking that the function of these emotions or their kin may be a signal from our heart, soul, Being, (whatever word fits) that we are not operating within our particular groove.  A signal that we have become lost in motivations, goals, dreams, or intentions that did not originate from our own Soul or God or purpose (whatever word works).  No matter how “good” or “bad” they may seem to be they are not ours for they do not bring life with them.  So that when we see someone who is actually enjoying, or creating, excelling, or living their life we recoil at the sight, injured but not by the Other’s  success but by our own lack of definition and creativity.  Taken rightly these signals can help us awaken to the un-lived life that is exclusively ours to create.  We tend to recoil from the negative within us but it, in whatever form, can give direction as to where a new creation is required in our Soul.  Be about your own groove and you can share your thing when it’s time to shed, play, or dance.  Then you have something to offer the experience rather than the joy of it stealing yours.  It’s all jazz.  Sometimes we comp.  Sometimes we solo.  Sometimes we appreciate and applaud others.  There are places in the flow for all.  It is the disconnection and inability to join in that is signaled by the negative that arises in us.  Just like an oil light on the dashboard negative emotions are trying to help us.  So many times we turn away from the very help we say we want.  If the quiet signals are not attended to eventually the engine will blow and our Soul will force us to give it our attention and care.

Who you are is already enough.  Learn the path your Soul wants to go.  And go with Her.  She will never leave or forsake you.  Forsake Her at your peril.  I’m serious here.  She will mess you up.  She can be a real bitch if she needs to be. Of this I know.  From what I hear this is a lifelong process so I don’t think we finally “get it” and its ours.  But it seems just moving in the direction (typically toward dread) is enough to get things going.  Maybe just moving at all and breaking the inertia and addiction of the old stale patterns is enough to start.  It can feel crazy but the “crazy” is clinging to what is not, what has never been except in our wishes and grief.  It was written that Abraham was reckoned righteous because when he was called “he went out not knowing where he was going.”  His rightness apparently was in the going not necessarily how or where he went.   So I’m guessing that the “right” direction is not on a compass.  But I do think it is just past and on the left of moving, going, and seeking that which only crazy people believe in.  And somehow that process will get one there.  It is “crazy” to cling to an idea that there is a purpose for your life, that there are answers to the questions and longings of your soul.  The World’s system is so noisy it is hard to hear and know oneself.  Sometimes our Soul will have to scream at us in order to get our attention.  What I do know is that what don’t work now still won’t work later.  Clinging to what is not will not get me or you or anyone to what needs to be.  It might hurt to let go and can be most terrifying.   But the wraith-like existence of the lie is utter damnation.  Perhaps the voices in our heads know what the hell they are talking about.  Be Groovy.

Wake up Sleepyhead



Ease is the natural state, harmony the true habitation

There is a reason for the dis-ease

It signals, it beckons, it prods

Dis-comfort is god’s grace

Dis-satisfaction does not allow one to rest in the wasteland

Like a splinter in the mind, itch needing scratched

It plays on the fringes of consciousness

Where the frayed sparking edges of the matrix can be perceived

Signposts pointing beyond the current constructs

Go toward that which terrifies

The soft places where there is no defense

Raw, exposed, vulnerable

That is the space of transformation

Surrender control and just be

It hurts, it frightens but it won’t eat you

Silly boy, you are made of stronger stuff than that

Let the false, frightening, fiction, fade

Hold the ground along the narrow middle way

Waves will wash over threatening your balance there

Be still and let them pass

Suspend belief so that you might know

Once you know, belief is no longer needed

Now no more bouncing from side to side like a pinball in a game

Seeking solace, addicted to flesh’s temporary fix

A junkie hooked on the drugs of thinking, fixing, doing

Yes – no, good – bad, right – wrong, same old round and round

Answers, solutions are not in a game designed by others

One that is cast like a net upon the sleeping masses

The way leads out of the trap and into the paradox

The lesson requires unlearning, dying so that life may emerge

What Is calls and heralds a new morning

Wake up sleepyhead, time for dreaming is done

Locks and Keys


Lean into the wind
If it blows from behind it may topple
Like a trout, swim facing into the current’s force
To do otherwise is to float downstream
Seek out that which troubles
It is the signpost pointing the way
If the answer is unclear, then the question is too
That is what she taught me
The answer is known
It is the question that is elusive
For how does one answer a question unasked
There is no purchase, nothing to push against
Seeking answers in the light is random and blind
It is in the dark hidden places where the questions rest
A key is of no use without its mate
Collecting keys unlocks nothing and just become extra weight on the chain
The Way is often avoided, bargained with, and associated with evil
The illusion of light blinds lowering the glittering shades of darkness
Questions are waiting in the space never trod
The Spirit is there waiting to lead along the pathway of Truth
First seek the question, the lock, in the dangerous places
The key is already in your pocket

Be Groovy! 🙂




Howling at the Moon

Day Two: A Room with a View

Today’s Prompt: If you could zoom through space in the speed of light, what place would you go to right now?


There is only one place that can hold my attention
In fact it has called to me from before the foundations
Beckoning senses, whispering to my flesh to seek, to move, to explore
Quiet longings, muted dissatisfaction, boredom, or
Ravenous hunger, desire calling me to go out not knowing
To once again leave that which is Not in search of what Is
I have sorted through much of what is Not
I have traveled to exotic lands and lived among it’s people
I grew, I learned, but what I sought was not there
I searched the ancient writings and consulted the white-haired teachers
I grew, I learned, but what I sought was not there
I played the World’s game, trading myself for the trappings, the spoils of it
I grew, I learned, but what I sought was not there

I became a “Good” man, but the emptiness remained, there in my so-called good
I became a “Bad” man but even there was no sustenance, it too was an illusion
All the things I have seen, all the things I have done
No matter the promise, no matter the sacrifice
Each at the End answered with a resounding No
This is not It
This is not the Thing
This is not the Place you seek
And the space remained empty, longing, aching for consummation

There is a space which cannot be measured or mapped
Its breadth and length are beyond reckoning
The senses lose their bearing on the horizon of Here and There
They are undone, remade, once the Masters, now the Slave
Eyes may notice a form that quickens the blood without reason
The ears may hear a sound, a voice that stirs, that lifts ever hopeful Soul
The tongue may savor a kiss, exquisite and unique, a taste reminiscent of Home Coming
A fragrance may enchant, loosening the bonds, connections which bind soul to body
Waves of energy course through flesh as it crosses the threshold of There
Tender, sweet, intimate expanse, it now Exists, boundaries have no meaning
I is left behind as something new bursts into Being
Lifted up, energy, light, fierce passion, quiet rest, as two become One
At once a place of losing and finding, forgetting and remembering All
This is my Home
She is my Beloved



Scream is a Noise and Not Music

Voices in my ear


Repeating, bleating out messages received, downloaded

Good drones, sheep following the lead

Asleep, dreaming wakefulness

Opinions prescribed

To counter, as though true encounter

With its opposite

Red – Blue

Ass – Pachyderm

Perp – Victim

Dominator – Submissive

Heaven – Hell

Black – White

Male – Female

Terror – Protection

Right – Wrong

Same old round and round

Dialectical distraction

Soul’s quest forsaken

Or not undertaken

Yet heart yearns

Soul knows

Courage great heart

Turn away from the illusion

Face the darkness

And find the light

There is a reason the apple has been bitten