Wake up Sleepyhead



Ease is the natural state, harmony the true habitation

There is a reason for the dis-ease

It signals, it beckons, it prods

Dis-comfort is god’s grace

Dis-satisfaction does not allow one to rest in the wasteland

Like a splinter in the mind, itch needing scratched

It plays on the fringes of consciousness

Where the frayed sparking edges of the matrix can be perceived

Signposts pointing beyond the current constructs

Go toward that which terrifies

The soft places where there is no defense

Raw, exposed, vulnerable

That is the space of transformation

Surrender control and just be

It hurts, it frightens but it won’t eat you

Silly boy, you are made of stronger stuff than that

Let the false, frightening, fiction, fade

Hold the ground along the narrow middle way

Waves will wash over threatening your balance there

Be still and let them pass

Suspend belief so that you might know

Once you know, belief is no longer needed

Now no more bouncing from side to side like a pinball in a game

Seeking solace, addicted to flesh’s temporary fix

A junkie hooked on the drugs of thinking, fixing, doing

Yes – no, good – bad, right – wrong, same old round and round

Answers, solutions are not in a game designed by others

One that is cast like a net upon the sleeping masses

The way leads out of the trap and into the paradox

The lesson requires unlearning, dying so that life may emerge

What Is calls and heralds a new morning

Wake up sleepyhead, time for dreaming is done

20 thoughts on “Wake up Sleepyhead

  1. I’m not sure, there is something that doesn’t ring true time. Something lost that is good, but I can’t put. My finger on it. I must chew my cud awhile and ponder.

  2. This piece hangs together so well it’s like one big, long sentence. This is the clarity that comes from spending time between the moments, the words and sentences, and, especially, the raindrops. From those in between places your vision is wider. You SEE God’s grace like a rainbow and follow that middle way, cautious of keeping your balance, seeking the pot-o-wisdom and reality that is at the end.

    “Suspend belief so that you might know…” Belief MUST be suspended to walk that middle ground (like in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where Indy just had to believe that the bridge was there and then step out in faith). And THAT, for me, is the most frightening thing of all. If what I believe is a lie, then my life has been based on a lie. The question for me comes, what do I do with the knowing when I am so programed to believe the lie?

    You’re getting to be quite a master at alliteration. Those phrases are so captivating when you read them: Let the false, frightening, fiction, fade…

    Love this one, silly boy <3 . You have such an amazing gift of taking what you're feeling and letting it glide into a poem. Such beautiful wisdom comes out of your own turmoil, and yet I would not want you to stay there. Somewhere over that horizon is the end of the rainbow. In the meantime, just keep dancing between the drops as they spatter the pavement.

    • It’s not a lie sugar only incomplete. This is the same stuff we learned in Sunday School. The creator’s will is that we will “know as we have been known” not forever wondering lost in the dark. We learned that there is a world’s system and the creator’s. One is a trap and slavery the other is “release for the captives.” In the christian world they teach wait for the Savior to come rescue. But the savior taught “follow me.” He made the “Way” but it is for us to walk it. That is the heart of all true religion. Fret not for me sugar. I am not getting stronger, I am discovering that I have been strong the whole time. What is the harm is trading watered down weakness for the strength found in the Creator’s grace. I am weak when I try to control. I am strong when I let go.

      “Little ones to him belong. They are weak but he is strong.”

      • Your answer could have come right out of McLaren’s book. You’re right, of course, he did say follow me. And he made that way because the kingdom “of God” is here and now. So you’re right again about his not wanting us to be wandering in the dark.

        “I am not getting stronger, I am discovering that I HAVE BEEN STRONG THE WHOLE TIME. What is the harm is trading watered down weakness for the strength found in the Creator’s grace. I am weak when I try to control. I am strong when I let go. Little ones to him belong. They are weak but he is strong.”

        That is so beautiful you have me all teary here. You are amazing in your determination to walk this path with such courage. Your life is a sermon…

        • If there is anything moving toward truth in what I write or in the ideas McLaren has it is not because we are smart or clever. That is part of the trap and keeps one’s ego addicted to the illusion and playing within predefined parameters rehashing the same old same old. I am not wise or clever. At my best I am a child just looking at what is and writing it down as best I can with crayons. 🙂

          • People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:15-16)
            You ARE wise and clever in the ways of the world, but it is when you put that mantle down and become the child, that the truth pours forth from you to others. That is your gift.
            (And don’t give me a ration about your not having one, goofus. Your gift touches those who read your words. <3 )

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