


For my metal flower maker – Her art above

She is an artist

A worker in metal and word and plants and light and sound and children

Hard as the Iron she bends to her will.  Soft and gentle as the dandelion against her baby’s skin

Hear her rage against the dross which threatens her young men.  Her fire burns bright and white hot against it

Hear her soft cooing, the tender touch of love words and sounds spoken as a blessing over the little one

She is fierce in love and in war and in her wanting of what Ought to be, she tastes the Truth and will have it

Strong immovable is she, even in her weakness delicate braided steel undergirds her being, and in her bending there is no break

Yet the soul of her is a child, wondrous, playful, alive.  Circumstance batters and buffets and bullies but does not overcome

She practices the art of love and beauty on the medium of life as it comes to her

Beauty calls and quickens her. Consummate artist, driven to create.  Her life a poem, exquisite and unique among women

She flings herself into what Ought not be like a blunt hammer at times, shifting the shapes to suit her vision

The music of her will repeat through the ages now.  Rise lovers of her!  Stand at attention in awe and wonder, desire her

Praise the form and soul of her.  Honor her fierce tenderness and loyalty to her craft.  Love has now lifted her, casting now complete, shackles of circumstance broken and brushed away

Breath rushes, pulse quickens, as the many facets turn in the light of her.  Veil now lifted and we know that the true masterpiece was, is, and shall always be her, revealed, glorious, triumphant


20 thoughts on “Requiem

  1. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature

    This is Beautiful Plato! You captured how we all know her. She is beautiful.

    • She is marvelous! I know because she has an M in her hand. 🙂 Creativity out of the chaos and struggle refines and fashions the soul. Hers is a singular and beautiful one. I am glad that we agree.

  2. How beautiful! So wonderfully Metal Flower Maker! The last line: “we know that the true masterpiece was, is, and shall always be her, revealed, glorious, triumphant” The absolute!

  3. Thank you, sob, drip, drip, (she backs away from the computer so it doesn’t fry and sizzle like most electronics do when she cries on them.) That meant a lot to me. 🙂

  4. Strong immovable is she, even in her weakness delicate braided steel undergirds her being, and in her bending there is no break… Even though she may feel like she’s going to sometimes, she doesn’t because she made of the same stuff with which she works her magic. Yup, that’s our MetalFlowerMaker! Beautiful! You’ve captured both the hard as steel and the tender as duck down that is her. Can’t wait to hear you read it tonight.

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