Finding Her Groove


Sun and Moon Jackie


The baby is finding her groove.  She seems to like folksy funky stuff.  She is such a cool human being.  She was working on jewelry this morning.  Said she was going to start an Etsy business (if that is the correct spelling).  She is good at putting together outfits from the thrift store.  So she can be a personal shopper – poet – artist – jewelry maker – vet – travel blogger – and folk singer. It is a big world and she can make her’s like she wants.  She is most Groovy! 🙂

20 thoughts on “Finding Her Groove

  1. There is nothing quite like a father who loves his daughter(s). I had one of my own, which is how and why I know this. Good fathers, who genuinely care to make an emotional connection, who accept their girls’ uniqueness, and who embrace all their efforts however unrelated they may be to the imagined goals they long to see realized in their lives, set the stage for their daughters’ own capacity for loving men. You, by all indications, seem to be one of these men. Thank you for your attentive nature, PG. We can feel it! p.s. and, thank you for spending time to read me, too. RAS

  2. Been looking at the picture again. There’s a heart beat in the picture. Was that intentional? I mean the moon and the sun provide the heart beat of this world. ❓

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