A few thoughts on My Dad


Father & Daughter

I got this for my birthday this weekend.  It was a precious gift.   (Not the carving but the words)

His eyes are a darker brown, although they look black sometimes

They are covered with skin, his eyelids

They resemble his Native American ancestry – Dark brown or tanned

Springing forth from his brownish eyes and tanned skin is black hair

Though it is the same as his black eyelashes, it is a little different

The rest of his hair has gray brought on by age, kids, finances, stress, worrying, fighting, and mistakes

I like his hair, gray and black

I like the things he used to tickle me with as a child so long ago, his eyelashes

I makes him, Him

His tall, formally lanky figure intimidates some but to me it is familiar

His crooked smile that was passed down to me – That is Home

His warm creative soul is why I am who I am today

This is who I call Dad

This is who others call Mr.

This is who God calls child

He is a man

He is my dad

He is a child

He is me

9 thoughts on “A few thoughts on My Dad

  1. Very beautiful and touching… Happy belated birthday!
    You’re an amazing person and very inspirational.
    I’m glad I was able to meet you through your blog and your daughter eyes in her writings… She is precious

  2. That is so beautiful. For a child to be able to articulate those feelings, you must have done something very right.

    He is a man
    He is my dad
    He is a child
    He is me

    How perceptive is that? My heart is thumping all over the place here.

    • The ending was powerful. Blew me away. Not in a cute my little girl did this but more damn, how did she know that? I felt physically in my chest when I read the ending. I can’t imagine what she will do as she begins to play with more and more words. Anybody can use a thesaurus but that knowing and seeing can not be taught.

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