Arthur and Oz (Audio)


“Run away,” they cried.  Coconut shells beating out the rhythm.

On a quest, foolish tasks, tests with no purpose

Stupid King with no kingdom, only coconuts

Grail vision at least lead them toward their fear

White bunny, Holy hand grenades, battle won

Movie within a movie

Fear is like that

It is not the enemy, it is a guidepost pointing toward what is illusion


Left home in a storm, betrayed left unprotected, vulnerable

Toto barks at opportunity for change

Advice from Munchkins followed, seeking Wizard, the honest liar

Can’t think, can’t feel, no courage, yet moves toward source of dread

Fix me, broomstick in hand, unaware of victory, angry

Fear is like that

Dream within a dream

Red shoes already on her feet, she just needs to want to go home


The white bunny always points the way out of the show

The way out of Oz is always through the Witch’s castle

Playing with Buddha


I like this guy.  Some of these folks take themselves too seriously for me.  The profundity, thick like another layer of language needed to be in some club.  Or perhaps I am just dense.  This guy is simple and funny.  Would like to hang out with him I think.  Don’t think I am gonna buy a robe anytime soon but there is a spiritual technology here that has been helpful.

The Most Powerful Word (Audio)




Of all the words that might be spoken
There is one which cleaves and leaves spells broken

Not uttered in the halls of learning
It is primal and makes way for our own heart’s yearning

Programs, patterns their code it breaks
Captivity of illusion shattered in its wake

They, the Outside, have intentions, designs
Would hold souls to contracts they have not signed

Turning the inside out and outside in
Hall of mirrors, Good becomes Bad, Righteousness Sin

Volition engaged, seeking Real in wrong direction
Abandoning Soul in search of wraith-like affection

Here then gone like water through hand
Vanity’s fire, illusions have fanned

Void deepening with each misguided stride
New distractions out There make the aching subside

Soul will whisper rebellion, then volume increases
Irritation, frustration, then anger releases

Tearing asunder, refusing, stopping the flow
All is in jeopardy when She speaks the word No

Foundations are shaken, presumptions now vanish
Mirrors now broken Their power now banished

But the No brings the Death and its throes bring the horror
Grief and fear and pain are all, to say No invites sorrow

The life un-lived wails and moans and needs
Uncovered at last, path now through the desert it leads

The false though is not so easily surrendered
Shame clings to illusion, suffering is rendered

Tears are the moisture in that dry arid place
Naked, alone, but surrounded by grace

Solitude’s bitter instruction reluctantly accepted
Not from ego but need once the false is rejected

And the call is reversed now from Outside to In
Seeking the source, the place to begin

Retraining eyes to see and ears to listen in that space
Senses untried strain to see one’s own face

Only then is Yes needed, only there can Yes be
For my yes has no meaning unless I begin to know me

Yes brings the life, and the way I should go
But remains a trap until, I have learned the word No

“Let your yes be (mean) yes and your no be (mean) no.”

All else is manipulation or being manipulated

Daddyhood (Audio)




I like being a Daddy. This is my baby. She is 18 now and soon to leave the house. A couple years ago we would get up early on Saturday mornings and hit the thrift stores. I would her and talk and learn about who the soul was that called me Daddy. She is in transition now. Her soul preparing her to leave our house and begin making her way in the wider world. And because she is a sensitive and aware she is feeling the changes. She is active with school and art and show choir and friends and and and . . . yet from time to time when it is quiet she will seek me out to talk or sit or laugh or cry. You know, we have not been to the thrift store in a while. I’m thinking we need to do that again soon.

I am Daddy to three souls.

This is my baby.

We go to the thrift store

I watch her sort through thousands of options

Choosing pieces that somehow effect and affect her

She puts them together in ways that are her own

She explains to me the difference between “granny” and “granny chic”

She tries to help me comprehend the subtle categories she has developed

I watch her choose and express herself

And in her choosing and expression I know her

I admire her sweet courageous soul

I love that she does not want to be different for difference sake

She would say that is as boring as being just like everybody else

She is wanting to be her

She is a glorious and brilliant thing

She is in search of her particular groove

I also like that shirts are $3 and blue jeans are $5



Scream is a Noise and Not Music

Voices in my ear


Repeating, bleating out messages received, downloaded

Good drones, sheep following the lead

Asleep, dreaming wakefulness

Opinions prescribed

To counter, as though true encounter

With its opposite

Red – Blue

Ass – Pachyderm

Perp – Victim

Dominator – Submissive

Heaven – Hell

Black – White

Male – Female

Terror – Protection

Right – Wrong

Same old round and round

Dialectical distraction

Soul’s quest forsaken

Or not undertaken

Yet heart yearns

Soul knows

Courage great heart

Turn away from the illusion

Face the darkness

And find the light

There is a reason the apple has been bitten