Many Shades of Gray – Spirit – Soul


I raised my gaze to greet the early morning sky

It was shrouded in a cloak dappled in varying shades of gray

I could taste it, feel it’s presence hanging over me

I understood the interplay of black and white which hung over my world


The light, diffused in the many shades, but light nonetheless

Without the light finding its way through

There would be no gray, only darkness

That became my meditation and solace


As I rode along the black ribbon bordered in crimson

I remembered the rich light in which I had bathed

I ached for the bright light of you

And I felt the dark move to cover me in its blackness


The grey though, came to my aid, reminding me that light was still present

That the sun will indeed shine again

So with effort, casting off darkness’ pull

Focused on the light which had overcome


I feel the tare in me from missing you

My body, my soul rebels against your absence

And the nothing seeks to pull me into its lair

But I shall lift my head and seek the light


And the light is you


And just as another dawn will break bright and fair

So will time and circumstance bring me again into that fair land

Ruled and lit by the brightness shining in your eyes

The laughter flowing from your heart, and the sweetness of your soul


The distance is a terrible thing

But I am not without hope

I sit in this quiet place with you, if only in my heart

And your presence holds the hope of a coming sunrise.


Good morning Sunshine!

The Acorn and the Oak



Stepping out into a broader space
Leaving behind the familiar comforts of the rut
But, there I held sway, I was the master

Predictable, easy, except for the slow withering of my soul
Did my tricks to get my treats
But the former was confining and I had out grown it

Like a plant in too small a pot
Roots bound, tangled, seeking new earth
But to step out is to become weak again, to let go, to become a child

There was a brief thrill in the stepping out
Really it was a small thing made large by ego’s fear
But there was really no power there

Like a spider’s web it clung inciting primal fear
No power at all to resist a decision
But now the familiar is no more

Where once I was large now I am small, ignorant, and inexperienced once more
Planted in new ground hoping for the water and the warmth and the worms to do their work
The plane is large, expansive, might I grow to fill that new empty space

But the great Oak lives inside the tiny, shiny acorn
Food for squirrels or master of the Woodland
I am the Sower and I am the seed
It is not the breaking through that is the challenge

It is sitting still long enough to put down roots and grow in the new larger place

There are multiple buts in this process

But either way.  Be Groovy! 

Locks and Keys


Lean into the wind
If it blows from behind it may topple
Like a trout, swim facing into the current’s force
To do otherwise is to float downstream
Seek out that which troubles
It is the signpost pointing the way
If the answer is unclear, then the question is too
That is what she taught me
The answer is known
It is the question that is elusive
For how does one answer a question unasked
There is no purchase, nothing to push against
Seeking answers in the light is random and blind
It is in the dark hidden places where the questions rest
A key is of no use without its mate
Collecting keys unlocks nothing and just become extra weight on the chain
The Way is often avoided, bargained with, and associated with evil
The illusion of light blinds lowering the glittering shades of darkness
Questions are waiting in the space never trod
The Spirit is there waiting to lead along the pathway of Truth
First seek the question, the lock, in the dangerous places
The key is already in your pocket

Be Groovy! 🙂


Bubbles in the Dark (Audio)


There are times when my pathway is hidden.  When the next step seems to lead off a cliff in any direction.  I find at such times that there is an anxious impulse that will arise.  I will tend to consider things in dialectical categories; yes – no, good – bad, right – wrong, etc.  There are many times when reason is appropriate and can be a reliable guide.  But, there have been others when the choices break down and there is no good choice or even bad choice.  I think maybe the hardest thing to do sometimes is nothing.  The impulse to move, to act, to make a choice can become quite strong.  But how does one choose?  The wise folks of old have left some clues.  Be still  . . . Don’t be anxious about tomorrow . . . Go out not knowing . . . wait and your strength will be renewed . . . the farmer plants the seed but the Creator makes it grow . . . death before rebirth . . . the Creator will complete what was begun in you.  One of my mentors taught me a long time ago that if I felt like I must do something then run like hell.  There is less desperation now than when I wrote what follows.  There is a quietness and an awareness of the impulse to jump.  So for now I sit in the ferment of me content to watch what might bubble up.  Be Groovy!


In the dark


From one to another

Sweetness transformed

Energy released expands

Bubbles in the darkness

Changing, rearranging

Separate, watching, or not

It continues

Out of my hands

The fruits have been pressed

Latent potentials emerge

In keeping with the fruit’s nature

Patience, quiet Self

Watch the bubbles but refrain

The ferment requires no assistance

Bubbles in the dark

Reveal the Soul of the grape



Morality (Audio)


Morality is not Rules

Do this

Refrain from that

That is the Law

And the Law is Death

Morality happens in the wake of living

True to the Self

Apart from injury to others

Which would also injure the Self

It is those parameters within which

Soul’s true self might emerge

It is not without pain for the Self or Others

Nothing is birthed without struggle

Morality and righteousness “rightness”  of a Soul

It is the answer to all of Her longings

It is Her Groove

Plato’s Groove