Many Shades of Gray – Spirit – Soul


I raised my gaze to greet the early morning sky

It was shrouded in a cloak dappled in varying shades of gray

I could taste it, feel it’s presence hanging over me

I understood the interplay of black and white which hung over my world


The light, diffused in the many shades, but light nonetheless

Without the light finding its way through

There would be no gray, only darkness

That became my meditation and solace


As I rode along the black ribbon bordered in crimson

I remembered the rich light in which I had bathed

I ached for the bright light of you

And I felt the dark move to cover me in its blackness


The grey though, came to my aid, reminding me that light was still present

That the sun will indeed shine again

So with effort, casting off darkness’ pull

Focused on the light which had overcome


I feel the tare in me from missing you

My body, my soul rebels against your absence

And the nothing seeks to pull me into its lair

But I shall lift my head and seek the light


And the light is you


And just as another dawn will break bright and fair

So will time and circumstance bring me again into that fair land

Ruled and lit by the brightness shining in your eyes

The laughter flowing from your heart, and the sweetness of your soul


The distance is a terrible thing

But I am not without hope

I sit in this quiet place with you, if only in my heart

And your presence holds the hope of a coming sunrise.


Good morning Sunshine!

14 thoughts on “Many Shades of Gray – Spirit – Soul

  1. It’s the most difficult thing in the world to be caught up in black and white thinking… As dreary as the gray appears, better to dwell there, in the land of possibility, than to try and navigate the dangerous precipice of either/or thinking. Gray — that becomes the only safe meditation. One must keep to the path of gray, of both. To do otherwise makes one’s heart sick. Keep looking up, allowing yourself to be shrouded in the gray. Hope your day is good, my friend, my brother.

  2. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature

    What a beautiful poem. Such depth of feeling. Such longing, with hope peeking around the corner.
    “My body, my soul rebels against your absence.” Your ability to find just the right words and put them together in such a way as to keep us hanging on every line. Such talent and heart.

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