The Second Half (Audio)




I have skills

I have intelligence

I have proven courage

I am creative and imaginative

I have an easy way with people

I am moderately attractive

I am strong in action

I have access to resources

I am healthy

I have led

I have followed

I am experienced

Yet I sit

I am not lazy

I am accustomed to work

But now even marking white screen with black symbols is an effort

To what end

An act of faith, or a shot in the dark

I have

I have

I am

I am

Yet it all seems a mask, paper mache

Wire, paper, glue and hollow inside

Or perhaps a game played but no longer interesting

I seek a calling

A reason

A vision to manifest

A vocation to which I will submit the second half

A new reality on which to focus what I have and who I am

That I may be remade, renewed, restored, and redeemed

I want to be alive before I die

In submission to the true calling of my Soul

I will find my freedom

Spring Thaw (Audio)


The wheel has turned again

Today I feel the warmth of the yellow sun touching my core.

A thaw has begun in me.

Deeds accomplished and those left undone remain unsettled

They tumble and scar the earth

Like boulders caught at the height of a raging spring melt

Dislodged from their former place

They create new landscapes, consequences, dangers, and opportunities

The shape of what will be is even now in flux

Hidden, submerged just beneath the surface of the icy watershed

Deed impacts deed

Choices merge and come apart

Slowly become existent on the material plane

Fabric of the future is woven in the present

Stitch by stitch, choice by choice

To speak or withhold a word

To act or to refrain

To move toward or away or to remain still

Choice will nudge, alter, shape the emergent pattern as it rises on a faint horizon

The pattern, specter-like, pulses

It phases in and out of focus

Each choice creates new potentialities

Myriad seemingly inconsequential decisions slowly coalesce

Becomes direction, an arrow pointing through time into tomorrow

Choices made attract similar deeds to themselves and repel unlike options

Fields begin to arise, increasing in strength

Thought becomes choice, becomes action, becomes habit, becomes character, becomes destiny

The thaw has begun

The melt is on

Soon the waters will subside

Choosing will be over for a season

And the new geography mapped

Anger Rises (Audio)


Anger rises



It surrounds him like a shield

And energy force to protect and warn

It morphs its shape to suit circumstance

At once thoughtful, empathetic, humorous, kind, or distant

No matter

The form does not change the essence

Anger birthed and energized

Contained in the ferment of the man’s soul

The fruits of his spirit have been pressed

The heat, the anger is not the point

It is merely the by-product of the change

Too little heat – The process stalls

Too much – The wine is ruined

Awake (Audio)


(Done like an old protest song i.e. Marvin Gaye or early Isley Bro. – Reggae?)

The great Uncle is not your friend.
He would be your master.
And talking heads just keep on talking.
Don’t confuse them with your pastor.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Your creed is not the journey.
Though It might lead to journeys end.
Seek the answer to the riddle.
From walking Death to waking Life transcend.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Hold lightly to your strength.
And all you think you know.
For the Light shines in the darkness.
And it is in weakness that Grace will grow.

Caesar has no love for you, you’re a number on a page.
Doctrine is a guide, but its just trappings on the stage.
Life is calling you to wake up (now). Shake off the webs they weave.
Step into Reality, become more than you (can) conceive.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Pushing Back (Audio)


I remember me

But what is it that I recall

There are moments of sanity

At least familiarity

But they soon dissolve into

A whirling mass of feeling, thought, and images

At least I am writing

Maybe that is something

I feel the anger

It provides structure

That passes for sanity

At least I can push back now.

I am changing