14 thoughts on “Two Dimensional Existence

    • Was referring to reading your story about the dragonfly and feeling like you could see right into my soul… It was such an awesome moment that it didn’t hit me if you were that intuitive you could probably see a lot of OTHER things in there! 😀 Of course I didn’t know what you did for a living back in those days. 😉

      • I’m guessing that I must have stumbled onto some universal stuff. In the end I figured out that the story ultimately was about different aspects of how I was/am. I needed to unlock my castle and bring out risk more of the creative/feminine aspects. And I ended up with long hair playing with the hippies. And I needed to risk being more present and less hidden behind my acconplishments and the “teal show” as I used to call it. It was and remains prophetic in my process

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