5 thoughts on “The Game – You are Already Alright

  1. “The only thing that’s broke is my beliefs about who I am in this world.” Yes! I wonder if there’s a way to mike the students who ask the questions? Sometimes I can’t hear what they’re asking, but I can usually figure it out from your answer.

      • Yeah, I thought about their privacy, but figured if it was just audio it would be okay to do. I really don’t know the HIPAA rules for that kind of thing. I know in meetings in days of yore, the company I worked for had this jigunda conference mike – a big black circular thing, and you could hear everyone with that. Really appreciate what you do, Plato!

  2. Boy.. You certainly crammed a lot into THAT session. I was so busy listening I didn’t even take notes this time. Your philosophy was front and center. Admired the way you related some of your own stuff. And you were right about there being a different vibe. Could sense that just watching it. 🙂

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