

Image result for images waiting in motion

Waiting in motion

No upheavals threaten

No raging passion stirs, pulls

The com-motion of the world whirls round

Yet in my re-motion I watch undisturbed, unmoved


Waiting in motion

Watching myself watch

E-motion’s de-motion from the fore

Ego drifts, removed from office

A-motion accomplished


Waiting in motion

Days follow nights

Words are still in me, voice is quiet, vision dimmed

Loco-motion maintained in the flesh

While awaiting my Soul’s own pro-motion


It will not be hurried

Stillness is required

Seed must die and rest in the darkness

Clinging kills, ego blinds, feeling can be false

So for now I wait . . . in motion

20 thoughts on “Motion

  1. i love the idea of Waiting in motion… maybe that is what we do as we live on, as you suggested in the third stanza… a great poem, indeed, All my best wishes. Aquileana 💫

  2. I smile. I’ve uncapped the bottle where I’d saved the ambiance of yesteryear to savor when I need a place to sit and think. It feels like a long time, and I enjoyed walking on the plush lawn of your words, running my fingers over the tops of wheat grass that is beginning to sprout. It is Spring somewhere, and I have found the window opened to the warm breeze of your “Waiting In Motion.”

    • Hey my friend. Your words settle on me like a warm balm seeping I’m nto the cracks of me. And as they come to rest I am still. And from that still place I exhale a sigh of homecoming and welcome. Thank you sugar. 🙂

  3. drkottaway

    I like it…. but I am trying to work in lotion…. as a solution, an abulation, a revolution….I’ll have to send some… execution….

  4. Well, we always knew waiting was an action verb. And we gotta be doing SOMETHING while we wait or we cease to function. I think the most we can hope for is that we LIKE what we’re in motion doing while we’re waiting! Otherwise waiting just plain sucks… 😉

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