19 thoughts on “Almost There

  1. I like the forth. Is the feather significant? With the feather there is too much going on. If it needs to be in, perhaps put the feather in the hat. (PS I used to be a graphic designer in my earlier life)

    • You are probably right. I was trying to include all the elements of what this has become. It started as poetry (written word hence the feather) then I did spoken word with my son playing the piano (Song called”Plato’s Groove”). That’s where “the clock ticks . “. came from. then I gathered together some jazz friends and we started doing all of them with music and experimenting. Now we are performing live. The whole concept is that everybody has a groove that is calling them into being.
      plato referred to real forms I call it the groove. I am open to any suggestion. I do words not graphics. The one with the big feather is closer to what I want than any of the others but my ego is not married to any of them. I just want it cool. Whatever I chose will be used on t-shirts. And thank very much for your input.

    • Isn’t it interesting how that illustrative process works when you’re doing it with someone else. I got discouraged working with Laure on my logo for Pilgrim’s Press, but we finally got it after about 15 tries. You know I think the “rest” in the place of the apostrophe gives the wrong vibe. You don’t want to rest. You want the music to get into them and move. Another reason to like the third one better.

  2. Yes.The one with the big feather. You can barely tell what it is in the first one. And I like the note for the apostrophe. It looks like it has everything in it you wanted. It’s gorgeous!

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