Garden Update – Somewhere in Summer



Lord it’s hot and humid.  I feel lazy and not excited or interested in much.  I am still doing what I need to (mostly).  The mature plants are now doing their thing.  I have to tie up and trim now on occasion but other than that I just pick and eat.



These girls are moving toward the end.  There is still green on the ends with some blossoms so we will get another harvest before the frost comes and then they will give up their space for some turnips or kale.



These purple Russian heirlooms are beginning to hit their stride and should produce some lovely fruit.  If the frost comes early we will have some fried green tomatoes.


The eggplants and peppers are going strong and will continue to produce through the fall.







I love these little jewels and I know that like the summer their days are nearing the end too.  I guess everything has it’s own lifecycle.  And even if all goes right and it grows and produces it’s fruit there will be a point where a limit is reached, a still period, then a decline into decay, which in turn will feed what comes next.  This year has been kinda like that for me.  This winter I stepped out into the unknown in several ways and it led to unexpected places and people and odd ideas that grew into this little blog and a spoken word jazz improv band.  It is so random and crazy, me doing this, but it somehow fits the me I silenced so long ago like a glove. I don’t know what I expected.  I am guessing that I had no real expectations because in the very beginning the writing was a desperate act and an attempt to make some sense of nonsense.  I am at a different place than I was but not where I ultimately want to be, where ever that is.  So I acknowledge with gratefulness that my gardens have produced fruit and I wonder what my new, new gardens will be like.  Thank you all for stopping by from time to time to check in on me.  You have been the very hands of Grace herself to me.  Be Groovy!

21 thoughts on “Garden Update – Somewhere in Summer

  1. It’s cool, the way you share, with us. Thank you. It’s also cool the way you actually got a photo of the ever elusive dragonfly! Those guys never stay still unless they decide to land right on me, but then, who can grab a camera then?

  2. *happy sigh* The journey with you through your planting, and coddling the seedlings to flourish, and watching as you conducted this orchestra of blossoming and blooming, has made this summer, for me, exciting, filled with a Communing with the Green Ones in a way that has vicariously allowed me to experience the nuances of the process. Now, as the harvest shifts into full swing, I’m imagining meals you’re cooking up, breathing in the aroma that kitchens share so well.

    Do you do any canning?

    So enjoying your groovyness!

  3. you have a great garden, I love to garden and write, I think they are sister creations and you also have your music so you get a bonus! Your writing is great, it is hard to take that step outside yourself and let others in through your words, but I feel that this wordpress community is just the place to do that, so many wonderful, kind and thoughtful folks, great place to be. I look forward to reading many more of your posts, Namaste. Michelle

  4. What a beautiful and heart-felt update. You are sharing more and more of yourself with your friends on here. It’s hard to step out, I know. And what a beautiful picture of dragonfly. Another symbol that you have grown and moved on in your life. {{{Plato}}}

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