Bards and Brews





This event was held at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.  It is a beautiful place and draws a rich mixture of people.  It was similar  here tonight.  A Poetry Slam I learned is an odd mixture of hip artsy folks and folks that just want to be around those folks.  There is a particular vibe and energy and rhythm about it.  It is kinda like the Gong Show but kinder.  The themes generally are urban or cutting edge progressive.  It is as much about emotions that are elicited than the actual poetry in a sense.  But the spoken word and the live performance creates emotional fields to provide the context for what the artists are attempting to accomplish.  It is a particular genre that I discovered is not where I am most fluent.  I will return and continue to do me there but don’t have any ambition of winning a competition of this type.  But I did not go to win.  I went to test and stretch my Self, to risk and discover new aspects of being alive.  It is amazing to me that I would be doing something like this.  It is something that was completely foreign to me just a few months ago when I was young (only 51).  I accomplished what I intended.  First and foremost I did something I was afraid (well afraid is too strong a word) of doing.  I only risked my ego and survived. Not that big a deal.   I also met some new people and sowed new seeds that may produce fruit unforeseen down the road a bit.  I guess part of what I am doing is providing an example of stepping out.  I have found that sometimes it is not all that sexy and exciting. . . but sometimes it is. 🙂

I used to call what I do Spoken Word but after hearing it I realise that is not me. I am not urban.  I have plenty of soul but it comes out of different roots.  Louisiana rural, country, jazz, R&B, with a little Funk thrown in the mix was the context of my groove.  Maybe Spoken Jazz or something along that line would be more correct.  If anybody has any ideas holla.  Here is a recording of me doing my thing.  A kind soul recorded it on their phone.  I like the poem better with the music but that is just me.  It is slow to load here so if you have come this far and still want to hear it you may let it go ahead and load before trying to listen. It is an mp4 file if some of you know what that is.  I selected the option to imbed the media player.  I use Windows if any of that matters.  Maybe it will be better where you are.  Be Groovy! 🙂



37 thoughts on “Bards and Brews

  1. Hey, PG! You’ve disappeared from my Followers list. Something about what I said, someplace? I’ve been a bit preoccupied with matters of the heart, of late, only resurfacing to post yesterday. It was nothing personal, lest you thunk. Like the vids, btw! RAS

  2. Another layer added to the experience of your groove. Yes, you’ve posted before live, but here you were animated, and it brought a deeper experience. *clapping* and I’d whistle if I could, but never have been able. 🙂

    • It is actually a very safe place to try something like that. Everyone in the room respects and supports the act of standing alone. On many levels the poetry is secondary to the standing. It was similar to when I posted my first thing on the blog. The big deal of it was only in my head. Thank you so fir stopping by here and for the beauty and unique creativity you give to the universe.

      • I think that’s all it is about… to hang out with the “right” people, to find that what we can call “our tribe”, to be in that place where we feel we belong…

      • You said if anyone had an idea, holla, so I’m hollerin’ 🙂 Ever consider starting a youtube channel of your spoken jazz? That would be very cool, and lots of people might find new experiences in poetry! I can’t think of a better poet to get into that kind of thing 🙂

        That’s interesting about the poetry being secondary to the standing. But I know can understand that perfectly, having gotten up in two different kinds of venues. One was in a play, the other was getting up the first time with my guitar.

        • I am seriously working to find venues for us to do our thing. I have another friend who is an audio visual guy. When we get the right place he is going to record/film it and then cut it up into separate tracks. That is what I need for Youtube. I thin the standing up is a physical material representation of what we are attempting to do on paper. A material act that connects it all. There is respect for merely standing. Out of 100-150 people the other night there were only about ten who stood. IT struck me that standing in itself was a creative act

  3. I found it sexy and exciting how your words and voice and physical presence match, it feels good to see you when listening to you, and your voice soothes me as always.. you’re a huge inspiration, Sir, the grooviest of groovy. 🙂

      • no, really, you are a huge inspiration, I feel you are so human and humble and kind and open and wise, when I was reading you today I felt inspired to get a real blog and to show myself in real life, show myself to the world a lot more, and stop this hiding in my cave… so, thank you very much. there is something about you that helps and inspires me in a very personal way although I do know you “only” “online”.

  4. I’m glad I got a preview of this last night since I can’t get it to work on my lap top. You did great, oh Zen Master. At least now you got your feet wet. I’m way proud of you, your dudeship. <3

  5. You sound more like a cowboy poet. I love cowboy poetry. Your words are not what remind me of the cowboy poets. It’s the sound of your voice, your timing and inflection. Good for you for giving this a try. I’m working on some story sharing events

  6. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature

    That was brave. I couldn’t get it to play, sadly, but so cool that you did it!

    • 🙂 It was not life changing except for me to have done it. Thank you for trying. It is really not that hard. The good ones memorize three minute pieces and are really exceptional. Not my particular favorite but it definitely worth experiencing. There are others like me who read their stuff and it is welcomed too. I will keep going. It is kinda like working out. The more I put it out there the stronger it will be. OR at least that is what they say. 🙂 Thank you so for being here. Its fun!

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