Frozen Spring (Something’s not Right) – Audio




This is the coldest Spring I’ve known

The bright green of the new season breaks without me

Pinks, yellows, whites, reds, purples, and blues, emerge all around

They signal that Spring has come

The bird-songs rise with the sun

They call and woo one another in preparation for new life

The sun is warm on my skin but its heat does not reach my core

The wheel has turned and I am left behind

This is the coldest Spring I have ever known

30 thoughts on “Frozen Spring (Something’s not Right) – Audio

  1. LOL Yeah, you’re full of it, alright. But not that. Wisdom, insight, humor, kindness… You don’t fool me for a second with all your comic bravado. I know an old, sensitive soul when I read their thoughts…

    Lights out for me for tonight. Gotta read four chapters for book club tomorrow night. I am the Reluctant Pilgrim we are reading about. Blah… Have a good night, dude.

  2. Ha, ha! Ok, well THAT one didn’t go over my head. Must admit that sometimes I’m a little “green” with envy at how well you can both articulate what you want to say.

  3. You know you could write a book about all this at some point. I must admit I can’t imagine how this whole process must feel to you given your education and job, etc. But then I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I watched Kim go through a very difficult time with this stuff too. And she’s one of the smartest, most compassionate people I know. I think you guys are kind of cut out of the same mold.

  4. In truth i think we are programmed early not to know our truth. So that when our true self rises it feels alien and we end up battling our self. But that would be for another venue. 🙂 In an insane world sanity would seem crazy

  5. P’sG, this is such an interesting discussion your poem has stirred up. It’s so nice to know one is not alone in their feelings of loneliness or lostness or whatever you want to call it.

    • Cool! I have initials 🙂 I feel grown.

      I am sick to death of it. I am so tired of all this beautiful stuff (not necessarily my writing but its source) in me not finding a place to live. As it is, it turns sappy in my belly. I need to get it out, need t get it down. I wrote that around 2007 or so but some of it still remains in me. To some degree the thaw is only now nearing its height.

      • Good Lord, dude. You make it sound like you’ve been taken over by aliens instead of just starting to reveal the real soul in you. OMG! What if it’s true? What if we ARE aliens and that’s why we don’t fit anywhere? (I don’t know all the little codes for the smilies, but I’d put googly eyes here if I did.)

  6. Well, when I write, it is from the point of view that I have found something buried deep inside of me. So, I would say that it was misplaced. I try to clarify, or make clear, what I have come to realize. I believe that we all are capable of such understanding. We just need to acknowledge it. Thank you for your comment.

    • I agree 100%. That’s exactly the reason I write, as well. Perhaps I lack the second part of the focus you’re talking about. I’m not sure I’ve truly used what I’ve found to move myself forward. Your comment gave me food for thought. So glad you responded.

    • I would say if you like it then revel in it. Its the disquiet whispering in me that turned to misery that broke me. My activity was an attempt to quiet the voices, Then out of nowhere a wave of crazy longing swept over me some years ago and I am still working through the effects and even now trying to figure out what the next 50 will be

      • Ah yes… That which we refer to as a midlife crisis. I’m still waiting for HL to have his. I’ve been struggling with the aftermath of mine for the last 12 years.

    • I’ve read your writing. You’re really intuitive and write beautifully. Do you think when we go through these times it’s that we’re missing something, or is it that it’s just gotten buried or we’ve misplaced it? What do you think, too, P’sG?

      • For me I think that a long time ago I never learned to say the truth. Not that I was a great lair on the surface but at the most profound level my yes was not yes and my no was not no. I sought to please to make touchdowns to be the hero the clever one. IT was as if I was good enough somehow then some external force god, people, the world, somehow would finally fix me. The still small voice in me was not attended to. I became lost to what it was that I wanted and needed. Even the idea of my soul wanting or needing something was deemed “bad” and “selfish”. It was misunderstood at least by me as the Christian path. Denial of self. I see things differently now. I have lived a half life. I wish it would satisfy me. That would make sense and would be much easier than this mess im in now. But in the end I still believe in the stories. I still hope in the idea that whoever god is he delights in giving me the delights of my heart. Part of my issue all of this time was that I had no clue what that may be.

        • Makes such perfect sense. I’ve been one who has never learned how to let my yes BE my yes and my no BE my no. I think we learn to make up stories. We tell them to others so they’ll think we are someone other than who we are, and we tell them to ourselves hoping we’ll eventually come to believe them and all will be well. But I believe there are dreams locked inside us for a reason. Otherwise why did God, the Universe, whatever you choose to believe, give them all to us? When the time comes in our life that we need answers to that question, we have to decide if we’re willing to go down that rabbit hole.

          • Yes my friend. Im thinking I must cause if I dont I will die. The cool thing is that I only have to do it a day at the time. And I am not doing it in a very elegant fashion. Just one yes at a time and one no. ITs about all I can handle 🙂

  7. Don’t you kind of think that when we’re stuck at a fork in the road trying to decide which path to take, the familiar one or the strange one, that the world seems to just go on without us as we stand there and ponder. We miss a lot of the world’s turning. But it’s all on that wheel. It all comes around again.

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