Yellow Starburst



It is the last of the last of the Christmas candy

I don’t like yellow Starbursts

Nor the orange or the green

Unless it’s apple

Why are they made

I like the Reds and the pinks and the purples

I know, sometimes they mix it up

They make a tropical blend

But there is always one flavor that is the last to be eaten even in the tropics

It is the same with Skittles

But they are small and can be mixed

Yet as hard as they may try, the last ones in the bag are yellow and orange and green, unless they are apple of course

I have felt like the yellow Starburst

The last of the last chosen, waiting

Sitting at the bottom of the bag

Wishing that the universe wanted lemon more than anything else

But there must be a reason for lemon Starburst

Some deep cosmic pattern that I have yet to comprehend

Some fractal, some design that I have no perspective to understand

But I wait and I hope that just maybe the best was saved for the last of the last

And that after it is all said and done

The first shall be last

And the last shall be first

12 thoughts on “Yellow Starburst

    • I ate one a while ago. They are kinda good. All citrus and tingly. Fresh and cleansing. It may be that what was required was a more discriminating palate. I am guessing that you are all that and more. (no creepy intended) I have read your words. You be you whatever color that may be. Im thinking you require and will except nothing less than a discriminating palate. wildiv4pie still makes me laugh

  1. Well I like it! So it DOES have an end. AND a beginning and a middle. And a very relatable experience we ALL know about — getting picked last. Well, that is all of us mushy souls. Cute, dude. Glad to see you’re enjoying yourself there!

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