And yet I Yearn – (A Psalm only different)


I am so fucking tired of this stupid shit!  I am tired of the ineffective words and ideas which have no power.  Creator change me, rearrange me.  I am broken and without merit.  Perhaps there may be something left if it could be put back together in a new way.  A new life is needed.  I am walking death, and weakness and chaos.

Yet I Yearn.

At times I demand.  At times I beg.  At times I despair all and wish for death.

Yet I Yearn.

Damn the wanting.  Damn the yearning.  Kill me quickly that I might rise again.  Fuck You my Soul You cruel bitch.  You seduce, You tempt, but You do not satisfy.  You temp and mock and are wanton in the public display of Your whore-like desire.  There is a cunt in You.  There is a virgin maiden there also.   I need redemption worse than any other.

And yet I yearn.

4 thoughts on “And yet I Yearn – (A Psalm only different)

  1. Whoa, dude. Tell us what you think! Pretty heavy stuff there. And yet I have something I wrote that’s kind of similar. Not quite as “eloquent”, however. Is this an older piece or a current one?

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