The Well – Act of Congress


I love this band.  Partly because I love the people and partly because they are amazing which would be the part you may be interested in.  They have, especially Chris been mentors to my now grown sons.  I love them for their investment in my babies.  Eight years ago or so Adam and Chris (remaining founding members) were just out of college they used to play from time to time at a small winery I had.  They recorded four songs for me that are in the Song/Lyric section here.  I love their music.  Their skill and their souls integrate to produce profound art.  I want you to hear this particular song because it probably is the one that moves me the most.  Whatever you may think about its theology I believe that it originated from a deep place in their souls.  It feels true.  The imagery is akin to what I am working out here at Plato’s within my own Soul.

The first time I heard this song my boys and some of their friends were rehearsing it for a show they were going to do.  I was so moved that I cried.  It was during a dark time in my life where things seemed lifeless.  I told them later that it made be believe in god again.  It is not for me to add to or take away anything from their work but I wanted to add a thought.  There is a line in the song that says “Don’t take a bite of that fruit honey. Your appetite will lead you to hell.”  I don’t think that is exactly right.  If it is taken on its face as base appetites will lead to hell I agree because we can seek life in places that can not sustain life.  We can find ourselves in hell at times having given our Soul’s best to that which loves Her not.  But underneath those appetites are longings and desires that at their root are righteous and will lead us into our Soul’s true habitation.  Be Groovy.


4 thoughts on “The Well – Act of Congress

  1. Lungsanliu

    Thank you for leading me here. Me loves the band too. love the vocals, pure and syrupy cool; sweetness in the style. This is beautiful like most of their songs. unique. for a long time ‘was looking for a unique soft gospel. It conveys so much. i think they got better and better. I particularly like ‘Home’.

  2. Ahhhhh… Very nice. Living water seems to be another common thread among pilgrims. I have a favorite living water song, too. I’ll post it if I can find it on YouTube somewhere.

    You’re right about that first line, I think. We live life hankering after things that are or lead to addiction. But the problem is there’s a legitimate need under all that. Lord knows I’ve struggled with food issues all my life. I’ve been down that psychological road countless times trying to figure out the “why” of it.

    These guys are really good. They must be pretty well known back east then?

    • Smart woman! I tried to reblog one of your posts on mine. It says It was reblogged but I cant see it on my site. Just one of several things I need to figure out. Its kinda like the soul stuff. You don’t even know where to start but as I go problems come up and it is in solving of the problems that give direction for the next thing.

      They are based in Birmingham, AL but have been all over. They have a fairly large following given they never would submit to the large music companies. They have stayed true to themselves. They are legitimate.

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