Tap-Tap-Tapping (Audio)


Обои завязанные глаза, девушка на поле ...

I wish I could write something beautiful
I wish I could write something so real that it would change how things are
I can see it in my mind, a picture so clear, I can taste it and inhale its fragrances
The desires of my heart have burned me, they have hollowed me out
The landscape of my soul has been altered
Or perhaps it is just the overgrowth that has been cleared
For now I seem to see better the rise and fall and shape of me
It seemed as if the fire would consume me and I would be no more
As the last ember died and the wind hurried away the final wisp of smoke
I remained, still there, naked, scarred, and raw, but separate somehow from all that had been
I found only dry bitter ashes and the black barren solitude of my grief
I wandered in that place, alone for many days and many nights watering the ground with my tears
Remembering what was and what could have been, wishing for what is now, Not

I hope I will write something beautiful
I hope that my Soul will find Her voice and learn to sing a new song, one that has always been
I can hear a simple sweet strain rise and fall, strangely familiar like a dream of home
For now I make my way like a blind man, sight requiring new senses
Cautiously my words tap – tap – tap before me, through the ash and the unknown
Seeking their way, reaching out, feeling for the next step along this new path
Scribbles on a page, symbols seeking structure enough to contain the melody of Her
Clever words and ego were burned in the clearing of me, the illusion of my intellect brought low
Yet with what small vision remains I catch glimpses of green arising from the soot
Life indomitable pushes through the ruin and back into the light, buds break and blossom
The landscape is bare but not barren, even the ruin enriches and reveals the soil of me
Salt tears are still needed to water this place and in my laughter new seeds are sown
What was is no longer, what is to come is yet to be, so Now patient I wait, just tap – tap – tapping

Specters in the Dark (Audio)


What Scares You?dark_forest_wallpaper-1280x960

A cry, a soundless wail in the distance

Calls, seeking relief, redress

Images, memories emerge, awaken

Wanting to enter

Wraith at the horizon, the boundary of vision

Treads, leaving no prints except those familiar pathways in my soul

I grieve the dead

I mourn the now cold life that was

Ought is now not and haunts me still

But what have I do to with specters in the dark

Except, breathless, trembling I turn

Knowing the wraith is me

Weeping alone there in the shadows

I need a little help please.


Isthmus Seeks Nonfiction Submissions


I saw this the other day and thought I might submit some of my scribbling just to have done it.  Those of you who know me understand that I don’t consider myself a “writer” but I do write, I write with crayons.  In that I have little experience with all of this stuff I was needing a little feedback from some of you who are gracious enough to read and respond to my stuff.  These folks publish a bi-annual journal and there is a poetry section.  I can submit 5 poems.  It is a paper and ink publication so the audio won’t be a part of it.  If some of y’all have the time and interest would you please make some suggestions as to what of my stuff might be interesting enough to submit?  I really don’t mind if you have suggestions for editing them.  Frankly I don’t reread them much after I publish them and any “grown-up” help would be appreciated. 🙂  Be most Groovy!  Plato

The Babies



Thorn-less blackberry babies.  The bloom has begun.  The bees are busy about being bees.  This is the second year for these vines.  Last year most of their energy went into establishing good roots.  This year should be amazing for the vines and the fruits.

20150425_122414Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of little peaches.  Will need to thin them well.  There are five of them planted in a semi-circle.  They are four years old and are special to me.  I have good memories attached to them and their pink spring blossoms.  They make a little grotto were many people have their wedding ceremony.


The Cucamelon seeds are sprouting.  They should be ready to plant in a few days.  Can’t wait to try them in July.


My favorite part about gardening and my favorite part about a lot of things, the sitting down after and thinking about what might happen because of what you’ve done.  I like swings just about any time.  My grandmother taught me about them.  Be Groovy! 🙂

The Muse


In the moments just before ink marks the page I know that words will fall short.  For who could capture Her with mere paper and ink?  But I am compelled to try hoping that my attempt, though clumsy and sophomoric, may in some small way reflect back the beauty that I have recognized in Her.

She is new to me, yet I have known her forever.  Even so I have just begun to experience, to comprehend  Her.  She has captured my attention and stirred longings thought bruised beyond rising.  It is now Her face I seek, Her call that I await.  And in the between times I remember, I wonder, I muse.

I remember Her form, Her fragrance, the way She fits my body.  I wonder how it is that she has so easily assumed this space in me.  I muse about the meaning of this dance begun between she and I.

With Me she is familiar.  She is bold but not brazen.  Her confidence is that of assumed kinship and intimacy.  How is it that She feels like Home?  How is it that a raging passion and peaceful sweet rest can co-exist?

She is dainty yet powerful.  I have watched a dull room energized at Her approach.  Men straighten themselves in hopeful anticipation of Her glance or smile, grateful for any small attention.  Women appraise Her, hoping for an ally, dreading competition with Her light.

Her smile is a magic thing.  It is infectious and sensual.  Her mouth shaped in anger is pouty and full beneath a furrowed brow.

Her movement is fluid and natural as a young doe.  She is at ease and alert.  She is finely wrought and utterly feminine, Her spirit at home in Her flesh.

To be near Her awakens slumbering passion.  To be apart calls forth the Poet, the Bard.  She now has claimed Her space, her place in His story.  She is now set apart.  Sleeping Beauty can now awaken, at least for the moments that the Poet can guard Her heart.

But harken to me!  It is a dangerous thing to call forth the Poet and awaken the Princess.  The story will unfold with many unseen twists and turns.  Exquisite will be the rapture.  Exquisite will be the torment.  Yet that is the nature of the play.  Both comedy and tragedy are required.  Such things are always risky.  But perhaps the Poet and his Muse can create between them a place where the songs can live.