Poetry from the 4 – Music – #teamtyler


I have spent some time in a discord chatroom lately and it has been very interesting. I had never been in any chat room till three weeks ago 🙂 This one is called #teamtyler. Discussions about Ai, and justice and truth, and esoteric geometry and dimensions and many things I had no language for. It was intimidating at first, and confusing and a little weird (but not in a bad way). This poem came out of an exchange that I was observing and got involved in. It was really interesting and a fun place to be for me. So go knock on #teamtyler door and see what it is about, if you wanna. Thank you friends at #teamtyler1.  Respect. . .

Thanks again to LeeJtheDJ of Sweet Science Radio and the gang for such a fun music making time.


Before the Before, Source, Silent Stillness
In the Beginning was the 1
That was all I knew
Then I bit the Apple and 1 became 2
Long I walked that bipolar pathway
Long-ing to be free
And once I withdrew Me from the fight
The door opened to the 3
Here I saw both 1 and 2
Dialectical Lovers
Dancing their binary World
Life and Death and Love and Hate
From the 1 was hurled
With doubting hands
I typed my symbols
There upon the screen
The Stillness somehow reaching out
From within my latest Meme
The answer teased me to a place
That hinted there was more
And I knew that in seeing 3
I was looking from the 4

What if the world is flat? What if it ain’t? :)



Photo Art – Matt Chambliss – I chose this photo because I think all things need to be grounded in the Natural. Peace and Love and Liberty – Teal

I spent years running down every “Rabbit Hole” if could find, looking for the answer, an answer, something, that would quiet this thing in me. I think we all have that something that gives a sense of things “ought” to be different than they are. This song is the result of all those years of looking. What I discovered what that something was not quite right. But the answer was elusive because I was looking in the wrong direction. As for the rabbit holes travel as many as you may enjoy but know the ultimate answer will not be found there. The answer I found comes at the very end of this. It may be fun to travel one more path that for me provided the solution.


The questions we ponder create our reality. What burning questions are directing your thoughts, your actions, your soul? Are the questions you ponder emerging from the depths of you or are they programmed into your mind by others? Turn it off be still. Listen for that still small voice. I’m thinking if you are original you will be loving on a flat world or one shaped like a ball. And if one is an asshole the assholeness will be present in either geometric construct. Methinks that issue is the most relevant material to ponder. 😉
A little warning I used some words to provide a visceral experience of how the cultural programming works.  Because this will be played on the radio these words were run backwards.  It was disturbing to hear.  They sounded like evil curse, which of course they are. Just a heads ups.

Thank you to Lee Jeffrey. You are my friend. Lee hosts a Saturday radio show called Sweet Science Radio. I highly recommend it. It is fun to create with people who on the outside may seem different but with a little time and comprehension it is discovered we are one. Go hang out with LeeJtheDJ on Saturdays 10:00-12:00 pm CT on https://bhammountainradio.com/ or anytime at https://soundcloud.com/sweetscienceradiowithleej


One Drop


They rise and fall from me
One drop at a time
Soul’s substance
Merges with senses
Eyes see and ears hear
A particular strain from the Jazz of Me
One drop
One poem
One dance
One kiss at a time
They linger for a time
Then flow back into the ocean from whence they came
Don’t cling
The Manna can’t be stored
Each has its own taste and shape and weather
And each makes possible the next
Rejoice or grieve or dance as your heart leads
Drink that drop and be nourished
Then quietly await the next


Poetry from the 4


Photo – Matt Chambliss

Before the Before, Source, Silent Stillness
In the Beginning was the 1
That was all I knew
Then I bit the Apple and 1 became 2
Long I walked that bipolar pathway
Long-ing to be free
And once I withdrew Me from the fight
The door opened to the 3
Here I saw both 1 and 2
Dialectical Lovers
Dancing their binary World
Life and Death and Love and Hate
From the 1 was hurled
With doubting hands
I typed my symbols
There upon the screen
The Stillness somehow reaching out
From within my latest Meme
The answer teased me to a place
That hinted there was more
And I knew that in seeing 3
I was looking from the 4

“That’s what happens when a poet hangs out in an Ai hacker chat room. I think artificial intelligence is cool. But why don’t we experiment with natural intelligence a bit more. Original from the Source. 🙂 ”

Peace and Love and Liberty!


“I Used to be a Pimp” – Funky Redo of Acorn and Oak – Music


Art – Matt Chambliss

A little country-ass, funky, Zen. I did this the other night with my friends at Sweet Science Radio.  107.3 FM B’ham, AL.  Live Stream B’ham Mountain Radio Saturdays 10-12 pm.  A fun and funky interpretation of The Acorn and the Oak.  The Ego is the Pimp and the Soul is what we sell.  Have fun. Be free.  Be You.  Listen for that Still Small Voice.