Garden Update – Suckers



Everything has really taken off.  The rain and sun and soil have converted tiny seedlings into adolescent, robust plants.  They are strong and green and growing.  The tomatoes have grown almost a foot since last week. One of the issues with gardening in a small space is managing the boundaries of each plant.  They have a tendency to wander out of their intended area and intrude on their neighbors.  The plants can compete with each other, choking each other out.  They send out all manner of green seeking to occupy as much space as possible.  But the green does not necessarily produce the fruit.  The green is required but can also just take up space, wasting energy that would be better directed toward the fruit.

Indeterminate tomatoes, which just means they keep growing all year, need a little looking after.  The determinate ones kind just stay in their own lanes. The ones that I am looking after are indeterminate and can be unruly if not attended to.  What I discovered Saturday morning was that the tomatoes were a tangled mess and needed some work.  Because they were all grown together in such dense space it was difficult to see where one stopped and the other began.  There was no circulation under the plants and they could not breathe.  This kind of situation can be a breeding ground for various molds and rots and nasty stuff that could damage the babies.

“Suckers” are new growth on a tomato that just uses energy and takes up space.  When ever I work with these plants I am aware of a reluctance to prune.  There is a “what if” in the back of my mind.  What if I cut too much?  What if I am not doing it right?  What if I cut the wrong place?  There is slight anxiety connected with it every time.  But I know it needs to be done.  Generally I am somewhat tentative in the beginning and a pattern will gradually emerge with each plant.  They will tell me what they need if I pay attention.  These needed air to circulate around the young fruit.  I pruned all the lower suckers along with anything not growing upward.  As I worked on the plants I thought about how  I may need pruning too.  Where am I overgrown, and stuck, and needing fresh air?  What or who in my life is just taking up space and using energy that should be directed toward my own fruitfulness?  Why am I sometimes reluctant to prune my own suckers?  I think perhaps the many aspects of my life can become overgrown and tangled.  It seems at times that there is a lot going on, but the fruit is sparse.  The leaves and the green are not the point.  The point is the fruit.  I know that I can fake myself out at times focusing on all the “suckers” in my life, thinking that distraction and activity and the rut is actually going to produce something.  There is only so much energy, only so many days.  If the purpose of life is my particular fruitfulness then there are some “suckers” that need a ruthless pruning.  I have to quit holding onto and hoping that the same old same old is finally going to produce what I need.  Let go boy, you control freak.  Have faith.

20150530_151455Much better!

20150530_151604Now I can see what I want.  Air and light can circulate.  It looks kind of awkward and naked for now.  Pruning feels that way.  It is a bit frightening.  But I did not hurt the plants.  I heard them breathe a sigh of relief.  Now they are better able to focus on growing upward toward the sunshine and producing fruit as they go.

20150530_151735Cucamelon update.  They are reaching out climbing the little trellis I made for them.  That is my job with them.  I only need to provide for them a place to grow.  We can be so easily stagnated when we forget that we can not make anything grow, even our own self.  So much energy and time can be wasted in anxious waiting, planning, seeking perfection in form.  We can daydream our life away and never plant the seeds.  Tomatoes and even the Cucamelons are not beautiful in their forms.  They just grow.  The beauty is in the fruit.  I was reminded that perfection is not in perfect form but in the process and its result.  The process of growth and change can at times seem ugly and pruning can feel wasteful, but it only because the fruit is not there yet.  There is not much more beautiful than a set of gangly vines hung on string and old bamboo filled with red ripe tomatoes. That is perfection.  There is a proverb that goes something like this.  “The barn is clean (perfect) when there is no bull.”  But when there is no bull there is also no life.  The barn can be clean and in perfect order but nothing is happening.  Bring a bull inside then it gets messy.  There will be some shit to step in and things will get broken but there will be life going on.  Perfection is not sterile.


This is the grotto.  There are five peach trees set out in a semicircle in front of the Winery.  She has a name and is a place dedicated with intention 4+ years ago.  Wedding are held here.  In the early spring they are filled with pink blossoms.  The blossoms were the reason I planted them in the first place.  The little trees have grown and matured.  The one pictured on the far right had a fungus its first year which stunted its growth.  But I doctored it and it is quickly catching up with her sisters.


I planted them for blossoms and now each year they give me fruit.  I just needed to make a place for them to grow.  That is my only responsibility.  I planted them with great love and tenderness attached and they have been most generous ever since.


Lunch.  I picked some golden Zucchini and Squash Bell Pepper and fresh Basil.  I sauteed them in olive oil with some onions and garlic.  I added some red sauce and shredded chicken and lots of black pepper.  I served it over cold spaghetti noodles with Parmesan cheese.  I like the contrast of hot and cold especially on a hot day.  Had a glass of Pino Grigio with it. Sav Blanc would have been better but I’ve not made any of that in a while.  Most Groovy!

The Word made Flesh


Where did the music go

What does the poet do when the Song goes silent

He must wait and listen

There are empty spaces in all compositions

A foundation of silence, of stillness, which makes all else possible

Without the empty still spaces movement is random and vibration noise

Is is not a horrible thing

There is no reason to be afraid

Only wait and listen for Her cadence, Her rhythm

That is your Soul’s Groove silly forgetful man

She will return again as She wills

She is not a creature tamed and trained to do tricks for others

She is alive and wild like the wind

When She moves raise your sails and let Her fill them with Her

Ride the storms of Her, feel the touch of Her cooling breezes on your skin

When She is quiet you are not abandoned, it is only a punctuation before the next Word waiting to be spoken

When She is still remember that even your breath is filled with Her

In Her you live and move and have your being

She has stirred and taught and moved and awakened your sleeping Self

The inner world has grown and now awaits the poet’s action

Her stillness is a signal that there is Outer work to be completed, a new balance to be discovered

She moves at the will of the Creator continually calling forth the intention of you

A new creation, a path in the wilderness, a spring in the desert manifest on the material plane, awaits

The Outer life can be a trap and a trick, but so too can the labyrinth of the Inner

Her rhythm seeks harmony and balance, consonance

Her movement calls you in, Her stillness sends you out

It is never either/or but Both

The Word spoken from before the foundations seeks It’s incarnation in you


The Intention of the I AM


He ain’t scared! 🙂

I want to write something just because I can
I feel cocky and the wilder parts of me have been stirred up
I don’t wait for permission
Or some other’s indulgence
I am
I write for me because I wish it, cause I’m alive
I beat my chest and growl, I roar
I am present on the savannah
Hear me, feel me, wonder what I will do
I am
I feel my heart’s beating, my blood rushing
I fill my lungs with the fragrant life surrounding me
Feet solid, gaze unblinking, alert, unafraid
I walk as one with authority, the earth trembles beneath my steps
I am

And so are You

Roar for the joy of it

Run, jump, laugh, do your dance in spite of circumstance

All that is wrong is the belief that something is wrong . . . with you

Be Groovy! 🙂

Born and Raised


The summer this album was released my eldest son was doing an internship with Mick Management in Brooklyn, NY.  Mick was managing the release and tour for John and it was a great opportunity for the boy to be around and learn some of the ropes.  My children, especially the boys,  have been responsible for keeping me somewhat updated with what is going on in the music world over the past 10-15 years.  They grew up on Parliament, Earth Wind and Fire, Old school R&B, Merle Haggard, and George Jones.  I taught them the three or four chords I knew on the guitar and they both passed me up in about a week.  They have become some of the most exceptional humans I will ever know.  Courageous, creative souls who are already on their way.  They are twenty years ahead of where I was at their age.  I am so grateful for that.

So, they had introduced me to John Mayer years ago when he was in his twenties.  I have always appreciated his poet’s sensibilities.  Intelligent, creative, with some Soul.  What I noticed about this release was that Mr. Mayer had matured.  The themes were not about High School or College or bodies being wonderlands, and being lost in the angst of young adulthood. The themes were deeper and multilayered.  He added a little country to the mix and it works exquisitely.  I enjoy the whole album but this is one song that elicits emotion from me every time I hear it.

“Walt Grace’s Submarine Test.”  It at first glance is a rather hokie song but from the first time I heard it, I was moved by it.   The themes of solitude and personal responsibility.  “Cause when you’re done with this world, the next is up to you . . .”  I don’t think we will discover who we are around other people.  The desert and the grief of loneliness seems to be pathway that leads to the “next world.”  Enjoy and be encouraged.  Though the way may seem dark and dry and without direction from the Outside, that which lies within will guide.  Living between the paradox may provide pathways never imagined.  Be Groovy!

For the Love of Me


It's Cinderella's castle!

Upon awakening I sought Her

My mind raced back along the paths that She walks in me

She comes to me from the place of dreams and we walked together there

She teaches me, though I am most foolish and slow to understand

When I am unfaithful she cruelly chastises, for the love of me

I am so easily distracted and forgetful and quickly lose my way but

“I came to this earth so that I could find my way back to my Beloved.”

She is patient and She is kind and She is long-suffering , for the love of me

Foolish man, remember your purpose, let go of all that is Not and make room for Her

She is all that you seek and you will never rest until you find your rest in Her

All the wonders that you seek lay waiting for you, there inside Her castle

As I read this to myself I was struck that it is a poetic version of something I wrote a bit ago.  If you have any interest in a more detailed and prose version see The Princess and the Dragonfly.  The audio is coming when I finally get back home.

My friend Next Step to Nirvana has allowed me to play.  She has written If Only You hadn’t Departed and asked me to write along following these rules.  Go visit her.  She has written some excellent poetry of late and has been kind to me.  I am going to ask my Dragonfly buddy to play.  The Lady Calen at Impromptu Promptings is someone you should endeavor to know.  Your life will be enriched.

You only have to link back to my blog and add your poem on your blog, making sure to include:
~The word “Love”, at least once.
~At least one adverb.
~At least one quote or motto, marked by quotation marks.