I Found (Audio)


Day Thirteen: Serially Found

I watched the weather of me through the day to see if perhaps there was something there
I noticed that it changed, unbidden as though another turned its dials
Sometimes the taste of that place between green and violet was broken by mountains of stark white cotton stretching from horizon to horizon
It called to something in me which wanted to be in that place of awe and wonder, but it passed over
At other moments my sky was filled with shades of gray and black ominous and threatening, fields of energy, alert to danger
The impulse to cover, to hide was strong but I remained still and it passed along with the rest
All I found there was that the weather of me shifts its shape to suite the situation
There was nothing profound there, nothing to hold on to, it just comes and goes as it wills


I sought meaning in the deeper things to see if there was some nugget, some treasure there for me
I noticed the Sage of me arise from the depths, ready to pronounce profundity
He sat on his throne, voice lowly intoned, gentle condescending words doled out to the yielding seekers needing a light, a way, a Wizard
And then another, a chocolate haired little boy, with dark brown eyes and freckles dotting his nose and cheekbones
He sought to woo with innocence and pouty lips, seeking attention, protection, love, crooked smile, shaggy hair, smelling of sunshine and romance
Then in the midst of my looking I heard Him laugh. The Jester, my tenuous but always faithful friend
He reminded me that what I was seeking would not be found in the costumes my ego wears
The profound can be another distraction and a game, as too the dance of affection What I sought was not there


Then, I watched the watcher, paying attention to my paying attention
Remembering again, that I know very little and how easily distracted I can be
Caught up in a self that is fleeting like the weather, changed by the currents on the wind around me
Hidden behind masks that can at times be mistaken for me, leaving me alone but entertained or distracted
I laughed along with the Jester. He always tells me the truth, especially when I take myself too seriously, or not seriously enough
Like trying to scratch an itch in a mirror, I sought but did not find, for what I wanted could not be found there
A wonderful playground of experience and love and learning and hope and grief, but playground it is, for it will not last
In seeking I found. I found that there is really no need to seek that which is not lost.


Come home boy it is time for rest.



Tenderness and the Real (Audio)



Tenderness hidden.

Concealed behind the humor, the talent, the success.

Those who know sometimes betray.

Sometimes ignorantly.

Sometimes with a will.

Tenderness hidden.

The betrayal steals life.

But it can also give it.

Illusions shattered.

Only the Real will survive.

Tenderness hidden.

Now uncovered.  Raw, burning, new-born.

Atmosphere sears new lungs.

Life demands pain.

The struggle provides the strength to stand.

The struggle transforms tenderness into wisdom.

AMEN – This is the way of life.

Time (Audio)


March 9, 2013 Life coaching time Milind Jadhav

Time marks the experience of living outside of eternity. the Now.

There are eternal moments which break into time.

Sacred, holy moments.

The experience of time is not living.

It is a consciousness of not.

Perhaps that consciousness is the first signal that one has been disengaged from the flow of the Eternal.

To say that time has flown or that time is dragging is to say that the eternal Now has passed or is longed for.

(Need some jazz behind this one) Groovy

The Garden


I am getting excited about the approaching Spring.

Soon I will be digging in the dirt again preparing the earth to receive the seeds and plants which will produce a bounty.

I have little to do with the miracle except making a place for it to happen.

Fall Garden

This was the planting of my fall garden.  I am a partner in a small winery and we use the vegetables and even the blackberries in the restaurant.  The red tubs are old eighty gallon fermentors that found a new purpose.  All that is left now is some kale, the brussel sprouts, and a little spinach the deer have not eaten.

Things will grow just about anywhere and in anything as long as one makes a place for them and tends to it.  I think that is true about my writing.  There are times when I am so full of “stuff” that does not matter there is no room for what is important.  When that happens I become lost and there is no harvest.  This year I think that I will be more intentional.  Not really because I am good or wise (I am not).  But because I want to be alive before I die.  Be Groovy!  🙂