The Sower


The seeds are sown and await the judgement of circumstance

The soil, the birds, the weeds will all have a say

The weather will be what it will

The sower sows the seeds but the Creator makes them grow

It is out of his hands now

Words, his seeds were sown into new and unknown soil

There are no guarantees, the seed must die, no strings attached

The illusions of yesterday and tomorrow call like Sirens toward the rocks of stagnation

Don’t become stranded there perishing, thinking, wishing, wasting

Action, risk, Being is required

To utterly fail is a success and is no shame, it is shame’s illusion that binds and enchants and seduces calling the soul towards slumber

Cast into Now, that space between the ticks of time, let go, no clinging

Risk the loss of a seed in hand for a hundredfold return

Open the hand to give,  empty it of the old so there is space for the new

A new garden is needed, the old no longer sustains

It has become dry, worn, and overused

Take the best seeds and cast them into the unknown

Do not shrink or draw back in the face of it

Speak your words boldly, sow them with generosity and care

Fret not about the ones which do not sprout, let them go

Look only for the ones which do, attend and care for those

Waste not yourself on what is Not

In the end your task is only to sow

Intention and creativity are yours

It’s the Creator’s grace though that shapes what will be, in accordance with the true desires of your heart

And remember that even the seeds are not your own, they are gifts too, why would you horde what was intended to be given away

Stir up those gifts, bring them into the light, sow them freely

Give them away so that you may receive back the bounty of the One who is the giver of the seeds

Garden Update


The babies have grown in the sunshine and everybody seems happy.  Even the eggplants are better after I dusted them with some organic pesticide stuff.  The leaves had taken a lot of damage but new leaves are already replacing the old.  Everything is flowering and getting ready.


I used the cut bamboo from last year to make a trellis for the tomatoes.  I will add a string lattice as they grow.


It won’t be long before I can start picking these.  Fresh vine ripened tomatoes are the best.

20150523_112226In the lower right you can see that the blackberries are beginning to turn.  The Cucamelon vines are growing up the trellis.  It is a job keeping the Golden Zucchini and the tomatoes cut back to give them light for now but soon they will make there own way into the sun and can stand on their own.  New things require some attention in the beginning.  I have started some new things myself lately.  scary, exciting things but I think with a little attention those seeds will grow into something I have never tasted before.


This girl is already producing but she will require some attention.  My meditation and gift from the garden this week is that being intentional does not require tons of work, just intentional action.  Thinking about a garden does not produce a harvest.  There is always the option of providing for oneself from another’s garden.  There is no shame it that.  Their intention and their action made the provision available.  Their business provides jobs, their art provides beauty, their thoughtfulness creates intellectual work that can inform.  For now, at this time in my life it is my task to dream a dream and plant new seeds and act so that there is a new garden, my garden, that has never been before.

20150523_111800The Squash and the Zucchini and the Peppers and the Eggplant and the Tomatoes and the Basil will all become part of a fresh Spring dish I make with chicken and pasta and a little red sauce.  I use Italian seasoning along with some Cajun for a little kick.  The mint I use for edible decorations on desserts.  What the garden is teaching me is that to create a new space is possible even in the midst of a busy and sometimes chaotic life.  There is much that is outside of my personal control and yet there is much within it.  So often we trick ourselves into thinking or trying to wish things or circumstances into existence.  We can find ourselves exhausted having accomplish nothing towards our dreams.  But intention combined with action will bring about change.  The cool thing about me making a new garden in my life is that once the seeds are sown they do most of the work, but I do have to sow them and attend to them a few times a week.  Recently I have sown some new seeds in my life.  Some “crazy” ideas hit me and instead of thinking about them or writing a poem or trying to make the same old crap finally work out differently again, I made some calls, had some conversations.  Low and behold people were receptive to them.  They are still germinating for now but they have been planted.  I will attend to them as I have the Cucamelons and soon under the Creator’s grace I will taste something new that will provide for me.  Are there seeds you may want to sow this week?  Is there something that feels crazy but wont get out of your head?  Sow it! What’s the worst thing that could happen?  Make a call, do some research, send out that email, have that conversation.  You never know what might come up.  Be Groovy! 🙂

Garden Update



The babies are ready for their new bed.


It has begun.  The flowers open to the sun and await the pollination.  The stigma and stamen seek to complete their mission.

20150509_111855Golden zucchini babies.


Early girls.


A new bed now ready for all.  Fresh and clean.  It will hold in the moisture, provide a nice place to live.  And then next year will feed the ones that come after.


All ready.  Now just water and watch and take care of them.  They will go crazy over the next couple of weeks.

The winery.  It was a good Saturday.

Garden Update


I like playing in my garden.  No mater what else is going on there is something there I can do that will make a difference in the outcome.  There is so much in the world that can not be depended on and remains outside of one’s control.  The garden is a place I can go that just is.  I can work a little and even leave it and it will go on without me, always happy for me to return.  I am not the magic there just a steward, a husband to the magic of life that occurs within Her.

20150502_134133I broke down about 20 empty cardboard wine cases to use as a weed barrier.  Then wet them down with water.  It is a good use of what would have been waste and will eventually become part of the soil.  My grandmother used old newspaper in a similar way.

20150502_155255Now there is fresh straw.  Like Epcot, only different.  It makes for a good foundation aesthetically as the plants mature.  It helps with the weed control and retention of moisture during the warmer months.

20150502_141425Gonna give the plants in the raised bed a week or two, then give them some straw to rest on.  As you can see the space I chose was not perfect in terms of the sun’s arc.  There is plenty of morning sun but around two the shade gets to some of the plants.  They will be fine as the sun climbs higher into the sky with the changing seasons.  It reminds me that many times the perfect situation never presents itself.  There always seems to be something in the way.  But what I do know is that perfect fruit can come from imperfect situations.

20150502_141436The Cucamelon seeds have sprouted and are ready to go in the ground.  I’ve planted some and have several to give away to some friends who want to do something a little different.  We should have plenty in a couple months.  This process is so amazing to me.  How is it that we have gotten so far away from the knowledge that sustained my grandparents?

20150502_155232There the are with the tomatoes.  I used some cut bamboo from last year.  I will make them a trellis as the grow.

20150502_185916-1God these pictures suck but they are what I got.  We do what we call “Wine and Jazz” once a month during the warm months at the winery.  You can see an arbor I built three years ago.  Grapes are growing up it.  The flower bed is awaiting the lantania to sprout to fill in between the lavender and the rosemary.

20150502_185825The people are beginning to arrive.  We served mufalattas, red beans and rice, and gumbo, and wine of course.  This is where I usually sit to watch and listen to the music and the people.  Sometimes I get up and talk or serve or to smile at someone.  I gave one guy who was interested in the garden a cucamelon plant to take home and watch grow.  He was fun to talk to.  But mainly now I just watch and listen and think on things.  The band was good.  The lead was a young but very talented jazz standard and R&B singer.  She was really good.  It made me smile and remember when the songs were alive.  Be Groovy!

The Babies



Thorn-less blackberry babies.  The bloom has begun.  The bees are busy about being bees.  This is the second year for these vines.  Last year most of their energy went into establishing good roots.  This year should be amazing for the vines and the fruits.

20150425_122414Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of little peaches.  Will need to thin them well.  There are five of them planted in a semi-circle.  They are four years old and are special to me.  I have good memories attached to them and their pink spring blossoms.  They make a little grotto were many people have their wedding ceremony.


The Cucamelon seeds are sprouting.  They should be ready to plant in a few days.  Can’t wait to try them in July.


My favorite part about gardening and my favorite part about a lot of things, the sitting down after and thinking about what might happen because of what you’ve done.  I like swings just about any time.  My grandmother taught me about them.  Be Groovy! 🙂