The Sower


The seeds are sown and await the judgement of circumstance

The soil, the birds, the weeds will all have a say

The weather will be what it will

The sower sows the seeds but the Creator makes them grow

It is out of his hands now

Words, his seeds were sown into new and unknown soil

There are no guarantees, the seed must die, no strings attached

The illusions of yesterday and tomorrow call like Sirens toward the rocks of stagnation

Don’t become stranded there perishing, thinking, wishing, wasting

Action, risk, Being is required

To utterly fail is a success and is no shame, it is shame’s illusion that binds and enchants and seduces calling the soul towards slumber

Cast into Now, that space between the ticks of time, let go, no clinging

Risk the loss of a seed in hand for a hundredfold return

Open the hand to give,  empty it of the old so there is space for the new

A new garden is needed, the old no longer sustains

It has become dry, worn, and overused

Take the best seeds and cast them into the unknown

Do not shrink or draw back in the face of it

Speak your words boldly, sow them with generosity and care

Fret not about the ones which do not sprout, let them go

Look only for the ones which do, attend and care for those

Waste not yourself on what is Not

In the end your task is only to sow

Intention and creativity are yours

It’s the Creator’s grace though that shapes what will be, in accordance with the true desires of your heart

And remember that even the seeds are not your own, they are gifts too, why would you horde what was intended to be given away

Stir up those gifts, bring them into the light, sow them freely

Give them away so that you may receive back the bounty of the One who is the giver of the seeds

One of my favorite hymns


May you experience the Creator’s grace and the resurrection of the Truth in you.  May you and I continue to awaken and live into that truth.  May we remember the “least of these” in us and in the world.  Blessings!

In that context i resubmit this.  May we all seek the Incarnation.


(Done like an old protest song i.e. Marvin Gaye or early Isley Bro. – Reggae?)

The great Uncle is not your friend.
He would be your master.
And talking heads just keep on talking.
Don’t confuse them with your pastor.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Your creed is not the journey.
Though It might lead to journeys end.
Seek the answer to the riddle.
From walking Death to waking Life transcend.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Hold lightly to your strength.
And all you think you know.
For the Light shines in the darkness.
And it is in weakness that Grace will grow.

Caesar has no love for you, you’re a number on a page.
Doctrine is a guide, but its just trappings on the stage.
Life is calling you to wake up (now). Shake off the webs they weave.
Step into Reality, become more than you (can) conceive.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.



The Boy – The Man (Audio)


I recall a memory that was etched like a holograph somewhere in me.

It has popped up recently like Princess Leia did when Luke touched R2D2.

It was dark.  I was a little boy alone in a new house, a new room.

I remember the boy trying to find his way in the dark of a strange place.

I remember the tiny cautious footsteps.

I remember my small hand reaching out in the darkness.

Tentative fingers outstretched seeking feedback from a wall,  some furniture, anything.

He needed something to help him get his bearings.

I remember the boy’s initial confidence being replaced by a growing and gradual anxiety.

It started at the base of his throat and spread up and down through his shoulders, chest, and belly.

It was not the strangeness of the house or the darkness that made him doubt.

It was the not knowing that terrorized his heart.

His heart learned fear in that space between his little brave heart’s reaching out and the wall that led him back to the familiar.

That was a long time ago but I remember.

Perhaps I have stored that memory for such a time as now,

The context is different perhaps but the terror is the same.

The hopeful part of the story is that the little boy, thumb in mouth, pressed on in spite of his trembling.

Perhaps the man will find a way to do the same.

Stay Groovy 🙂

Promised Land (Audio)


Gospel – Blues – The first part of the refrain is spoken as in a sermon describing the problem and the counterpoint is almost a shout “But I can see the promised Land from here”. As in defiance of any challenge, problem, doubt, etc. The verses fairly slow and bluesy and the chorus huge and butt kicking. It is intended to inspire faith in the midst of doubt.

Straining through the circumstances
I’m hoping through the wasted chances
Trusting that the Dream is coming true
Seems I’ve tried everything I know
The seeds I’ve planted still refuse to grow
And all I have left is my hope in You

“There is a dessert to cross” . . . (Spoken)
But I can see the Promised Land from here
Through eyes of faith that look past fear
I can see Your promises coming true

No matter what may lie ahead
Disappointment, challenge, victory, or dread
I will choose to see the Promised Land from here.

My weapons seem to be so small
I swing and swing but he just won’t fall
Yet I will pick them up even one more time
Some giants are stopped with just one stone
But this one he won’t leave me alone
And he guards the treasure (that) You said is mine

“There is a giant to slay” . . . (Spoken)
But I can see the Princess from here
Through eyes of faith that look past fear
I can see the battle already won

No matter what may lie ahead
Disappointment, challenge, victory, or dread
I will choose to see the Promised Land from here.

In You I move and have my being
And Your dream for me is what I’m seeing
As I wrestle with who I am in You
I won’t let go until I’m blessed
Though morning’s coming I cannot rest
Cause I know that I’ll be changed before we’re through

“There is a heart to be changed” . . . (Spoken)
And I can see the healing from here
Through eyes of faith that look past fear
I can see the change already come

No matter what may lie ahead
Disappointment, challenge, victory, or dread
I will choose to see the Promised Land from here.