Deep Thoughts (Audio)


Brow furrowed

Deepening thoughts

Pondering, probing, attempting to pierce the still cloud of unknowing

Existential realities

Finitude’s polarities

The Forge and the Crucible of my Soul’s Alchemy


From Base to Noble

Seeking the secret to Life’s hidden Elixir

Peering deeply


I see vague forms, hear strange utterances

Straining now

On the edge of me

Profundity rises before my eyes

A voice speaks

In low, slow, fluid tones

I move closer, expectantly humbled, receptive to the Deep

“You are”

“So full”

“Of shit.  Chillith thyself out boy.  Methinks thy serious demeanor is most comical ”

I laugh

At me

Perhaps I have found the elixir after all

Be most Groovy!


Fishing in Bad Weather (Audio)



No focus, scattered, diffused

Where is the center now

Black marks on white

Symbols like bait dangled

Over the choppy grey waters of me

Hoping to coax a bite

Enticing emotion to rise and strike

Latch on to a word a sentence

That I may draw out of the inky black depths

Meaning, to measure on my scale

Perhaps even consume, be nourished by

Seeking some order, some way, a new step

But if no order perhaps I may hook

A plank, a stone to feel under my feet

I need to move from this place

Frozen Spring (Something’s not Right) – Audio




This is the coldest Spring I’ve known

The bright green of the new season breaks without me

Pinks, yellows, whites, reds, purples, and blues, emerge all around

They signal that Spring has come

The bird-songs rise with the sun

They call and woo one another in preparation for new life

The sun is warm on my skin but its heat does not reach my core

The wheel has turned and I am left behind

This is the coldest Spring I have ever known

Spring Thaw (Audio)


The wheel has turned again

Today I feel the warmth of the yellow sun touching my core.

A thaw has begun in me.

Deeds accomplished and those left undone remain unsettled

They tumble and scar the earth

Like boulders caught at the height of a raging spring melt

Dislodged from their former place

They create new landscapes, consequences, dangers, and opportunities

The shape of what will be is even now in flux

Hidden, submerged just beneath the surface of the icy watershed

Deed impacts deed

Choices merge and come apart

Slowly become existent on the material plane

Fabric of the future is woven in the present

Stitch by stitch, choice by choice

To speak or withhold a word

To act or to refrain

To move toward or away or to remain still

Choice will nudge, alter, shape the emergent pattern as it rises on a faint horizon

The pattern, specter-like, pulses

It phases in and out of focus

Each choice creates new potentialities

Myriad seemingly inconsequential decisions slowly coalesce

Becomes direction, an arrow pointing through time into tomorrow

Choices made attract similar deeds to themselves and repel unlike options

Fields begin to arise, increasing in strength

Thought becomes choice, becomes action, becomes habit, becomes character, becomes destiny

The thaw has begun

The melt is on

Soon the waters will subside

Choosing will be over for a season

And the new geography mapped

Drifting – Twilight – Spirit – Calensariel (Audio)



Drifting, the current carries me

No oar, no rudder

Surrendered to the flow

Destination lies over the horizon

Rest now, adventure awaits

Twilight, time between times

Sacred space

Stillness, surrender to the muted light

Listen, Wisdom whispers

Sophia is your lover

Spirit, link between

Flesh and intellect

Feeling, sensing, knowing

Interpreting groanings too deep for words

Time for speech is approaching