The Light is Changing (Audio)


The Light is changing

The heat is falling off the days

One by one

The earth is gathering

Elements of the Fall

Summer has run its course

I wait and watch and listen

Here in the time between seasons

The space between times and seasons is sacred

It is the time of ferment

After harvest but

Before the new wine is ready

It is the place of longing and reflection

17 thoughts on “The Light is Changing (Audio)

  1. amazing piece of work, I really loved this, the place between the seasons, great thought , reminds me of what it is like to be in the moment, the space between the in breath and the out… Michelle

  2. Another poem I’ve not heard, as WordPress (or gmail?) have stolen it away. But I’m vigilant and I always look to see what’s slipped away from me. This is so like the moment – as I’m sure it was meant to be, though sometimes I don’t know when someone else is watching. It’s so very good to know you are, and you bring us the wisdom of time’s passage.

  3. Redoing some of them might be a good idea. You’ve become a lot less stiff and more responsive in the last few poems.

    Don’t worry about the flourish at the top. I doubt anyone will be looking at that. They come to hear you “speak” in two senses of the word: actually speak and also to hear what you’re talking about inside.

  4. This one is really beautiful read. They’re getting to sound more like you’re just sitting having a cup of tea talking to someone. It’s appropriate for this kind of poem. Sounds terrific.

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