28 thoughts on “Modern Edgeukation – Postmodern Really

  1. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature

    What a horribly disturbing film. I guess it’s true in a lot of ways, but…ew.

  2. Oh, I remember this video. There’s nothing good about being an average student who learns anymore. The video plays to the absurdity of the leveling of the playing field, but my experience with my boys showed a different kind of discrimination. If you are in the top of your class you will succeed because class sizes are smaller, teachers are better and peer to peer learning helps to propel the group toward a University, not community college, or specialty tech school.

    • Morning sunshine! 🙂 I thought it was saying if you are at the top of the class you are the most compliant and have learned the program best. Some of the kids I work with are brilliant and rebel against some of the stupid stuff they must endure. They are creative and inquisitive and say outloud what many of their peers think and feel. They are labled trouble makers and given medicine to help them comply. Sentimentality and compliance seem to have beckme more important than simple basic truths.

      • Good Morning Dear Plato, I don’t disagree that from my own experience in school the kids who worked the system, whatever it was at the time, had less stress and were treated better than the others, though I could not for the life of me get them to explain some of the basic ideas behind algebra or geometry. They were system or class smart, but ignorant about life a the power of administrations to manipulate. The students were brainwashed, it made me feel like I was never going to fit in and I didn’t want to fit in with that. I guess, I’m on a different topic, As usual:)
        Signed, a former bright student, artist, musician, odd girl out (who probably would have been medicated.)

          • Goodmorning Plato! 🙂 I would love to be in a place that fixes the system, but the reality is there should not be one all powerful system. One of my children is struggling, the other barely graduated sane, my Silent Sentinel learns at is own pace and was pulled from school. Girlie, may never set foot in an institution if I have anything to do with it. I intend to homeschool, if possible.

          • We homeschooled all of ours during the early years. It was worth the effort. It is still work but is actually easier and more natural for the kids. They can learn more and faster because they don’t have to deal with the rules and patterns of the “education” system. They tyoically were done with their work before lunch and could then play or read or whatever. They all went to public high school and did fine.

  3. Hello, I came to your blog as a result of Jane’s non-nomination post to have a look at you. I like what I have found. i think I will be back often 🙂 This video is very profound. There is a lot of horrid stuff going on out there. However, it is counterbalanced by a lot of wonderful, light and positive energy. Which is building and growing and will tip the balance eventually wiping out all this gunk. That’s my belief. And it is what I contribute to in my own small ways. Every bit makes a difference. Fear, I fear only grows more fear. I refuse to get caught up in it. I prefer to focus on Love and send as much of it out to the world as I can. I hope your quest has brought you to your gingerbread house as Calensariel suggests. And that once there you find your niche from which you can do what it is you are called to do

    • Thank you for being here. I agree with you that there are wonderful and positive forces and processes at work. Being consciously and willfully and forcefully positive in the face of very real evil is the work. The positive must be as conscious and strong and intentional as the negative forces or there is no balance. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Plato

  4. I still can’t figure out what’s up with the box. Is it saying we pigeonhole kids,stick them in boxes we THINK they should be in. Workers here, doctors there, statesmen here?

        • Someyhing I saw on Facebook. I think ther e is some profound and sinister stuff taking place. Its part of why I’ve not written much. It lies in my soul like a weight I don’t know what to do with. There is an all out assult going on for people’s minds and souls. I feel that I need to do something. I thought the poetry then the music might be my path but right now I am unsure.

          • I think I knew that. That you were feeling weighted down by a lot of different things. That’s why Thomas Moore’s quote grabbed me last night. I was thinking of you when I posted it. When I found that picture I just had to stop and breathe because it felt like where you are. Where do you perceive the assault coming from? Or do you know?

          • I don’t know that it is an assault but a growing awareness of what I’d going on in our world. That the political economic religious education etc systems are all working in concert moving the masses toward a willing slavery of mind soul and body.

          • I know a class-full of people who’d agree with that. And Bran would sure be on board. You’re on the front lines every day, dude. You can’t help but be affected by it. It’s as if you’re waiting for your marching orders now?

  5. Though I realize this video was supposed to be a little tongue-in-cheek, the underlying issues are all too real. What a confused and convoluted educational culture our kids have to live in these days! Sanity has been overruled and EVERY child is getting left behind. In my personal opinion that government mandate took away the motivation for students to buckle down and actually learn. And now we’ve saddled the educational process with so much other political baggage that kids can’t possibly carry it all. We’ve forgotten, too, that they each person is unique and has their own particular gifts and ways of learning. It’s now all on a politically correct assembly line. And that seems to be far more important than learning and thinking and being their own unique person.

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