Wrapped in Mercy


This is some spoken word  me and LeeJ the DJ did the other night.  It was not planned. Lee just started playing a song and I started talking.  It made me cry, in a good way.  I think it is something special and the first time I heard what Lee had done with it I wished that everyone in the universe could hear and feel this message.  It may only be special to Lee and I but my prayer is that somehow you listening to this will bring you what it is that you need the most right now.  Peace friends.


This art caught my eye
It reached out to me
With the vintage textures, colors, graphics
Pulling me in
The words spoke of loving acts
To those in need
Wrapped in mercy
Then I looked deeper and saw Me there
Seeing one who is also in need
Who also needs to be wrapped in mercy
And love
For I am also the Least of these

For what do you Hunger
For what do you Thirst
Where is your Nakedness
Your Soul’s Captivity
Do you also long for Home
What secret Infirmities do you hide
What death you carry even now calls to you
Give mercy because you are also in need of it
Know the Least of these is You

Peace Friends

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