Between the Dark and the Light – Live


Between the Dark and the Light

I feel the pull toward the light

To sway in the breeze

To bask in the sunshine

To unfold and reveal the singular colors of me

And I will

I will flower and fruit again and again

Seeds will multiply and fall

On paths

In the brambles

Some in shallow rocky soil

Some will find a way to the good earth

To produce 30, 60,100 fold

But before. . .

Is the time of darkness. Isolation. Unknowing

It is primary, most profound, Transformation, Conversion

Preparation in the dark for life in the light

Only plastic people and flowers have no roots

So little ones, do not doubt the darkness

Rest, be still, surrender to the seed-time

Trust the Creator

There is always death which proceeds new life

Break open

Put down roots

Send up secret shoots

You were made to live between the darkness and the light

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